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"Hey, ____, What're you doing here? It's supposed to be sealed off..."







The person stood there, thinking. A light hum illuminating from their lips. They looked to the left, silently judging the pathway. They then looked to their right, a sneaky smile now stuck on their face.

Since when did they listen to anyone?

They started on their travels down the hallway, wanting to see a specific place it would take them. With silent humming, they trudged to a stop, looking at three different hallways that were in front of them. They went down the far left hallway.

Right, left, straight, left, left, right, Control Room.

"Hello, beautiful.." They mumbled to themselves, glancing around the room.

It contained of walls with white paints sloppily splattered on them, buttons, that were barely lit, on a panel that reaches from the end of both walls with doors placed beneath a one-way window with deep black splotchy ink looking stains on both sides of the glass.

Shivers went down their spine as they took note of said inky and chemical like smell that came from the room. They almost gagged, feeling sick with the smell mixture.

Silently, they walked over to the main panel picking up a vanilla file that had only splotches of different shapes and sizes atop of it. Gently, they opened the file to see much more of the inky substance on it, making it near impossible to read so they just set the file back down.

Curiosity got the better of them, them walking towards the door at the opposite end of the panel. Subconsciously, they felt a need to get out of there, but overall, they ignored the feeling.
They carefully took ahold of the handle and turned it to open it. They were honestly hald expecting a creek, but not a sound came from it.

"Huh... That's..." They mumbled. Quite concerned. "Alright." They shrugged to themselves, before opening the door and walking through, being sure it closes behind them.

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