i see..

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Choices ~

        A) 2

        B) 16

        C) 11




i see..









Y/n sighs, looking to the left and motioning towards it.

"Lefty lue?" Technoblade seems to visibly relax at their choice and even quietly sigh.

They look at him with a raised brow before just shrugging and moving forwards, wanting to already go and meet an SCP. She/He/They trudge forwards with a small smile after that, ignoring Techno's footsteps that follow after them.

At some point they come across a Central Control Room. It's particularly large with some greens, oranges, reds and blues. They grab a Pink Folder from the Control Panel, instantly opening it to see a familiar face they had seen once or twice before. Though upon turning the page, they weren't expecting a-..

"Furry." They quietly voice as their eye actually twitches. "What the heck?" Y/n asks, looking to Technoblade, who had been staring out the window with his arms crossed. He simply shrugs.

"We don't actually know what happened to him, if anything, he doesn't even know what happened." Techno voices, leaning against the door. "George thinks he was exposed to radiation of some sorts. I think he was a late bloomer, just like you." They grumble, sending a glare to the older male.

"What's Gogy's deal anyways?" They ask, placing the file down and looking to him. "Why's he so rude and stubborn?" They cross their own arms with a silent glare.

Techno sighs and smiles in an almost longing way. "George was.. Cheated out, in a way. His best friend, he uh.." He gives a light chuckle that makes the younger raise a brow.
"His best friend became the one thing he promised not to be, basically. You'll have to ask him about anything else further." Y/n almost scowls about having to talk to George in general.

Y/n sighs and rubs their temples before turning around and going to the opposing door. They walk through after opening it. Techno does hesitate on following them.

They reach a door, instantly opening that one too and walking through.

"Oh- wow.." They mutter out, looking at the two trees that reached the ceiling.

There were some berry bushes planted in some living grass at the bases of both, a hammock actually stationed higher up in the trees. The walls were painted to give a forest atmosphere.
There was a sleeping body in the hammock.

"Mhm.." Techno lightly hums, closing the door behind him. "Get your fox repellent." He jokes lightly, noticing the SCP glance down at them.

The next thing they know is that there's a fox boy standing in front of him. He had jumped from the hammock and easily landed on his feet.

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