"Birds Cage"

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"Birds Cage"







"How're you doin' today, Phil?"






They closed their eyes, considering their choices carefully. Niki sat, waiting patiently, yet almost excitedly. Wilbur was patient with waiting, but it was obvious he wanted to be on his way.

"I would like to go with Wilbur this go 'round. Maybe next time, Niki." They opened their eyes, giving a small comfort like smile to Niki, who pouted in responce.

"Alright." Wilbur clapped his hands, somewhat ruining the stillness. "We don't got all day, lets go." He was quick to stand and dispose of his food before directly walking off. Y/n kept pace when they stood up and disposed of anyhing left on their plate. "See you later Niki!" Wilbur called walking off with Y/n following hot on his heels.

They hurried to walk besides him, breathing normally while also walking fastly to keep up with him. "Why do you walk fast?" They asked, glancing at the male whom shrugged.

He didn't stop his pace though. "Tell me about yourself." He spoke lightly, not glancing at the other.

"Oh-.. uh.. I can tie a cherry stick into a pretzel shape using my tongue." They spoke a random fact about themself.

He slowed down, processing the fact. Nobody has ever told him that right off the bat. "What?" He asked, making a left turn down the hallway.

"Well, uh.. I have many talents and that's one of them." They responded simply, walking behind him into a wide office area with many buttons and switches on a table.

A oneway window in front of it leading into a plain area with a bed and a dresser. The room they were in had a door at the far left(when facing the window left) of the room that they guessed lead to the room in front of them.

The male picked up a Strawberry Red Folder that was laying ontop of a clipboard and opened it.

"So this is Phils room?" They asked, gaining a light hum from the other in responce. "There's not much in there. Why's it look so dang plain?" They walked over to the window, gazing out of it.

They quietly noted two figures that stood in the centre of the room. One looked about 6"8, maybe 6"9, had semi-well kept shoulder length blonde hair. He wore a knee length black modern overcoat and a long darkish green robe that was well placed together. He had large greyish-white wings that were loosely around him in a sense. He looked as if he was wearing sandals of some sort.

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