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Gossip was something that would follow you wherever you go. They were everywhere. While not always accurate, truth would always be found in them. Or dragged out of them.

George Davidson, clearance level 5 and Class A, was the head of his, lesser known facility. It was a fairly small, but organized facility that housed not only the SCP's they were to maintain, but the Doctors that were meant to maintain them, too.

He was a British man with an ivory complexion, brunette hair, brownish-blue eyes, colorblind and 5'9". He has his own story that can be talked about another time.

This British twat works to be certain the facility is running smoothly, leaving no room for error or objection with his methods. His right hand man, one of his best friends, used to be a blonde American. Though, rumor has it he ran from the facility, or was perhaps... ridden of, by George, himself.

Though he's not confirmed nor denied anything.

His current right hand man was another American friend that goes by a preferred name over his birth name. Sapnap.

Sapnap, clearance level 4 and Class B, is a 5'8" male with a sienna complexion, dark hair and dark gray eyes. He was commonly found wearing lounge type clothing. Rarely, only when he needed to on the job or not, would anyone find him wearing the mandated clothing for on the clock times.

It's said that he knows everything about everyone. People have him claimed as the go to for confirmation. He's neither confirmed nor denied claims about himself or George.

Although people have stated that he's made it a goal to confuse people with the storyline they've given him.

Either way, Sapnap was the one to wrangle in "scavengers", or the type of people who can't score a job or are streetbound. Most of the time, they'd end up as Class D personnel for the facility.

Niki, clearance level 2 Class B, was one of three who ended up a part of the program as more than a Class D or maintenance worker ( clearance level 1 ).

Niki was a sweet girl Sapnap saw much potential in, so after discussing it with George, she was allowed to stay and work as staff. She stands at 5'5", has shoulder length and dyed pink hair, a porcelain complexion, and light brown eyes.

She had been picked up by Sapnap at a coffee shop, him having overheard her mumble over how she didn't have much more than what was needed for her drink and small meal. So he would step in on a hunch, pay for her meal, and talk to her about a job and free place to live in. It took some convincing, from both her and George, but they both eventually agreed to let her work and stay there.

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