Later Man.

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              A) 2

             B) 18

Remember to choose what you want, not based off of what's winning in the moment as it very well might change direction within given time frame to vote.

Later Man.

"You're like me."

TW; Unhealthy Coping Mechanism Mentions, Implied/Refrenced Self Harm

(I don't get into details with either)

Y/n would give a light sigh before shaking their head. "Sorry uh.. Sapnap... Me and Techno planned stuff already. Maybe you and I could do it later or tomorrow?" They gave a half hearted smile, not truely trying to give a wide smile of any sort.

Techno could be heard quietly grunting, a small sign of approval and a "move along" to Sapnap. Sapnap would quietly mope for a second before nodding.

"Alright.. You have to do it later though. No getting out of it." Sapnap lightly tapped the table with a small beat using his hands before getting up and walking away.

"C'mone." Techno spoke up, standing and walking away to scrap his trash. Y/n hurriedly got up and followed after, throwing out their trash.

Techno started walking towards Phils Central, and Control, Room Direction. The other had to hurry in order to walk besides them, settling at a speed walk when they caught up to the male. It was obvious he slowed down a bit, though neither said a thing as they now strolled down the hallway in silence.

"Why are you here?" Y/n could feel the sweat start to form, he was straight forward about this.

"Well.. Uh.. I was requested in by George." They answered, glancing to the other out of pure nervousness while they started messing with their sleeves a bit.

"What did you originally think this Facility was?" A simple question.

"A research Facility for many things." A vague responce.

"You shouldn't lie about something like that." He could tell it was a lie. "You knew this was an SCP Facility the entire time, you aimed to catch Georges eye so he'd invite you to join. Why?" He kept looking straight, not sparing a glance to the other.

"...." They didn't respond. Not because they didn't want to, but because they couldn't. Y/n wasn't ready to doscuss that with anyone just yet.

"Remaining silent isn't gonna do you any good." They took a right turn, continuing to stroll. "Why not just come out with it? You know what. I need to know." He stopped in place, Y/n stopping two steps after, continuing to stare forwards and not bother looking back at the man.

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