Unpaid Job

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Unpaid Job







"Are you familiar with the Greek word Meraki?"






A deafening alarm clock sounded. Ugh, cliché, I know. Welp, it sucks to suck mah dude.

The alarm clock was hit with a groan from the sleeping figure in the bed. A girl/boy/pearl- woah wait-..

It's a male ;-;.... Uh.. Okay.. Brunette, brownish-blue eyes, wonderful ivory complexion, a blue shirt with a red "Error" in the center and some black joggers, about 5"9 in height.

He got out of his warm bed begrudgingly, absolutely despising his alarm clock in the moment. The male yawned, stretching before ridding himself of his shirt while walking over to his oh so special closet. Huh... Well.... That's alot of blue shirts and white lab coats neatly placed there.

He quickly changed into one of the shirts placing on the coat after. He closed the closet door before going over to a dresser, pulling out a pair of pants before closing the dresser and exchanging the joggers out for the jeans. After folding up the joggers and placing them on his dresser he disappeared into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Here she lays.." The male mumbled aloud, grabbing a pair of white goggles with black lenses. He had been looking at an article on a newspaper that had been laying on his doormat. He trudged inside his apartment placing the newspaper on a marble stone counter before going back outside, closing and locking the door behind him.

Looking to the door across his he sighed. His buddy, and coworker, was late. Again. He had become accustomed to it by then, though. After standing there for not but two minutes, the door opened. Out came a ravenette male with darkish grey eyes and a nice sienna complexion, as he stood at 5"8. He wore a polyester black long sleeved turtle neck, a white lab coat like the other and wore black loose jeans. Holding back his hair in a loose messy bun was a white bandana.

"Hey George." The male spoke with a sweet smile while closing the door behind him. "Any news yet?" He received a sigh from the other and gave a chuckle. "It's alright, we'll get news sooner or later.. Say, any news about the Transfers yet?" He asked as the pair started walking down the hall past a few other doors and to the elevator at the end of the hall.

"It's a bit more difficult than I thought. One cannot be moved without the other and vice versa. They're having difficulties putting either under amnesia for the Transfer." The brunette, George, explained lightly as he gained a sound of acknowledgement from the other.

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