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"I've never been proud of what I created. Well, except for one creation.. It was a long, long time ago though... They were my favorite creation...."

Y/n looked between Karl and Sapnap, coming to a silent conclusion and nodding to them self. They stepped closer to Karl with a small smile to Sapnap, who's hands seemed to twitch slightly at the decision.

"Alright then! That's fine..! Perfectly, fine.." Sapnap grumbled slightly, sending a glare towards Karl. "I have to go and talk to someone anyways." So he turned on his heal and angrily walked out.

Y/n outwardly flinches when the door slams shut. "My goodness.." They muttered, shaking their head slowly with a concerned gaze.

"Thank you." Karl speaks, making Y/n turn their head to look to the male. "For deciding to stay, that is." He gives a soft smile as he watches them carefully.

They smiled sweetly in return, turning to face the older completely. "It's not a problem! I want to stay."

' We should go. '

Y/n only furrowed their brows before shaking their head. They'll be fine. Karl didn't look like he could hurt a fly, well.. He doesn't look like he would hurt a cat or dog.

..Elsewhere in the Facility..

"Why are you so worried over this George?" The familiarly tall british brunette asked, looking down at his friend. They had been in the security room, watching as Y/n had been freshly introduced to the SCP they were to take care of.

"She/He/They weren't supposed to stay. We don't want that, Wilbur." The short brunette responded, standing up and glaring at a Screen.

"Why not? It's just like with us, we want them to be able get along and understand the other well." Wilbur spoke softly, trying to understand the shorters viewpoint on the situation.

"Because, Wilbur." George would grab a bright blue folder and open it. On top there was a photo of how Karl used to look, which wasn't much different from the current time, holding a little child in his arms. Wilbur didn't understand and slowly shook his head to show that.

"This is Karl." George uses his wrist to press his goggles up on his face. "Holding a little." Wilbur slowly nodded, not understanding just yet. "That little," George points to the screen, "is right there." Wilbur seems to pale slightly at the realization and looked to the screen.

In burst Sapnap with a frustrated huff. "Why did she choose him over me?" Is all he can find himself grumbling as he sits in a chair that was in the corner of the room.

George all but sighs and shakes his head. He closes the file and places it back down before looking to Sapnap. "You should've used an excuse of another person needing them. They probably would've gone if Techno needed them or if Eret needed help with the two SCPs." George faces to look at the Screens again. Looking to the room that held the two teen SCPs.

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