SCP Time..

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Oh boy...

SCP Time..

"It's fun, creating things.. I just wish my nose never bled after. Hah.."

Y/n rubbed their eyes as they walked out of the room, the door closing quietly behind them. In their mind they physically said goodbye to Techno and Phil, so they just left. They were made their way out of the Control Room with a small yawn.

They let their feet take guide, emding up in the café. A small hum illuminating from them as their whirring came to a slow stop. They didn't want anybody else to know they were an SCP. If the wrong person found out, they could end up in one of a few senarios. They'd rather not let their mind go there.

They weren't expecting it when they accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry." They monotoned on accident, rubbing their eyes and trying to make the sleep go away.

"Dang. If I didn't know your voice I'd've not recognized you!" Sapnap smiled as he turned to look at the other. They stopped rubbing their eyes to hold their arms as they looked to the male across from them now. "I was just about to go looking for you! Come! I have to introduce you to your SCP now!!" Sapnap, non-hesitantly, grabbing the others hand instantly taking them away from the Café and down a small series of halls.

Y/n sort of wished they'd've found Niki or Wilbur, but they delt with it.

While Sapnap led them around a bit longer, Y/n grew sort of curious. "How many SCPs are there, again?" They asked, watching the male for some sort of reaction.

"Currently? Seven. George has been trying to start small then go big. He has pretty big plans for this place. He's actually been working on getting even more SCPs here." Sapnap smiled, a nostalgic memory filtering into his brain. "We started this place at rock bottom, y'know? To even be where we are now.. it's a miracle, and I'm proud of Gogy." The entered a Control room, the door they went through not bothering with being closed. "Here we are!! Based off of what was said at a mini meeting we've had, you know how to go about this. Somewhat, at least. Don't worry. He's a kind one." Sapnap started pushing Y/n towards the other door.

"Uhm.. alright?" They glanced at Sapnap before sighing, opening the door with it being closed behind them.

There was a bright light in the hallwaay they walked down. Once they got to the door, they would carefully open it. Once on the opposite side of the door, they took in the olden type of scenery. It was like a cabin that was made back in the 19 hundreds. There was a box TV to go ontop of a darkish wooden dresser. A radio was in the center of the room, switching between playing Country Music and Soft Music that could put almost anyone to sleep.

Sitting on a bed more towards the right of the room was an adolescent male. He had short darkish brown hair with only a few blonde highlights. His left eye was that of a blueish-green color while his right was that of a pinkish-gold color. His complexion was that of a ivory conplexion. He had darkish bags under his eyes, signifying he hasn't slept in a long while. His outfit wasn't like that of all the other SCPs. He still wore the plane outfit, though it had different colors all over it. The colors consisted of blues, greens, pinks, a shade of black and white, and purples. The man rubbed his eyes before looking to the person whom had entered the room.

"Hello.." He spoke softly, getting up from his bed to greet the other properly.

He/She/They swallowed, bowing their head to the other in a small greeting.

It was awkward for a few minutes. Boy, Sapnap must've thought this was pretty funny.

"I'm Y/n. You are..?" They didn't want to be seen as disrespectful, they couldn't have that before they could get any further.

"Jacobs, Karl. Karl Jacobs. Pleasure meeting you, Y/n." He introduces himself, giving a slight bow to the other. "How did someone such as yourself end up here?" He asked, sitting back down on his bed.

"Ah.. Requested right out of College." They answered honestly, the older noding in thought. "Uhm.. If I can ask, what can you do?" They stepped a bit closer, trying not to overstep boundaries in the process.

"Well.. I can create things." He brought his hands up in front of himself, a red rose being made from thin air right between the small gap between his hands. "I decide not to create things that'll hurt someone, though. The last time that happened, it was very.. Sad, to say the very least."

' Traumatizing. ' Their mind supplied. But for who..? Him or someone else?

They nodded in understanding. "I get that. It's better to create beauty over a monstrosity, yeah..?" He lightly hummed, looking over the rose before it would disappear with a small sigh. A small trickle of blood going down from his nose. "Is it.. What're your thoughts on it?"

"It's fun, creating things.. I just wish my nose never bled after. Hah.." He gave a small smile, creating a tissue and using it to wipe the blood that made from his nose. He would toss the tissue into a bin behind the dresser.

"Oh.." Y/n sighed softly. Usually when they did something with their strengths, depending on the amount they use, can typically give them a headache. Not always though, sometimes it hurts their train of thought making their independed choice making skills wonky. The ladder happens more often when you think.

"If I can ask.." Y/n started, Karl would give his full attention to the other. "How long have you uh.. been, here?" They motioned to the room, glancing around at the somewhathomeness of it.

"Huh.." He then gave a thoughtful hum, looking around the room. "I've been here since the beginning of this place. Well, not really actually. I came here a year after Dream did." He then looked to Y/n, a recognizable look of sadness in his gaze. "Say, uh.."

"Alright." Sapnaps voice echoed through the room along side the door opening. "Y/n, we should get goin'.." There's a nervous smile on his face.

Karl furrowed his brows ever so slightly. "A-actually.. I was hoping they could stay a while longer, Sapnap." He countered before looking to Y/n. "Could you please stay? Just for a bit..?" A small, strained, smile was on his face.

Sapnap seems hesitant but shakes his head. "I uh, still have to go over some stuff with him/her/them. So.." He too look at Y/n, almost expecting them to follow him through and out the door back to the Control Room.

What Do You Choose..?

A) Stay with Karl since he's asked. He seems like he wants to talk about something and ask a question though is fairly hesitant with Sapnap there in general. Good chance you'll learn something new with him about something else. *Slight perspective Change is a chance here*

B) Go with Sapnap. 65% he doesn't need you for anything but to discuss what you're supposed to do with Karl. Good chance he also doesn't want you knowing something that Karl want's to discuss and will talk to you about anything else.

A/n -  I sincerely apologize for I had intended for this chapter to be out last weekend but I had gotten caught up with something. After I was unable to post this chapter then I intended to have it out two days ago or yesterday but I got sick because of my allergies and some other things. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. A chapter or two of this book will be updated so don't be to scared when you get those updates.  -  n\A

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