alright than..

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      A) 7
      B) 21
      Confused) 3
Wow... You really thought-





alright than..






"By the gods name..
You're impossible..!"






Y/n yawned into their hand in an exhausted manner. Their head hurt just slightly, making it difficult to focus.

"I think I'm gonna turn in for the night, Fundy.." They rub at their eyes. "Fundy..?" They repeated the SCP's name and looked around to find him before realizing he was in his hammock already.
"Night night, Fundy.." They murmured lightly before walking over to the door and carefully opening it. After exiting, they close the door as soundlessly as possible.

Now to go find Technoblade then their bed.

After walking in and out of the control room, they go to walk down the hall they had initially walked through with Technoblade earlier. All to quickly though, they're suddenly off balanced and receive tunnel vision. They try walking forwards only to stumble backwards a bit before the world is in pitch black for them.

..With Technoblade..

The pinkette is walking down the hall with a snarl. George was following suit going on and on about some sort of plan Technoblade had little to no interest in.

"George!" Techno thanks whatever deity out there had even the slightest audacity to bless him with the interruption.

"What is it, Sapnap? I'm sorta busy." There's a grumble from George as he stops walking to turn and watch his friend rush over to him.

"Karl's trying to open another portal again." Sapnap is out of breath by the time he he reaches George.

"What? Have you tried the stabilisation method we went over the other day?" George sounds exhausted as he speaks.

Sapnap nods. "No effect, just like all the other methods." He takes a deep breath before letting it out and going into stable breathing. "We think his atoms become all- disorganized?- When he tends to open a portal. That's why the methods don't work." George grips his hands into fists before giving an exasperated sigh.

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