it all progresses.

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Hah.. You care to much.





it all progresses.






"Y/n c'mone..
You shouldn't be doing that-..."






They feel cold.

They barely feel their hands or any other libs. There's a whirring sound that filled the room.

Their head hurts.

What happened?

' You chose her. '



They slowly sit up, shivering just a bit.

Why was it so cold?

They glance around, cupping their hands together and pulling them up to their mouth. They breathe into their hands, trying to create some sort of warmth.

Their chest hurts a bit, but it's nothing unbearable.

The plain white walls are worse, though.

They blinks a lot while glancing around.

They continue to breathe into their hands, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

They didn't remember. Which was absolutely insane. Mainly because they had such a good memory to go off of.

Suddenly, the sound of an intercom going off is heard and they flinch. Looking to where it came from in a slight panic.

"Good morning, Y/n." It doesn't click for a moment, but they recognize the voice. They can't remember the name for a moment, so they patiently try to figure it out.

They can't seem to remember a lot in the moment.

"Do you know where you're at?" The same voice speaks again. The question hurts their head for a moment.

' SCP Laboratory. Room 342. Your newly given name, SCP- Y1N0. '



They slowly nod, fairly confused and not very understanding of the situation.

They hear a sigh come from the intercom.

"Y/n, I'm going to be entering the room. I need you to stay right where you're at." And the intercom turns off a couple seconds after that.

They glance around the room again, the walls all blurring together just a bit. A bit to much, if they were being honest.

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