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Choices ~

        A) 35

        B) 0

So you can be honest, hm?
Good to know..



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Y/n sighs, pinching the bridge of their nose. If they didn't tell the truth with this man they'd be in some deep crap.

"Okay. Honestly?" They speak, opening their eyes to look at the man in front of them. "I was going to go and meet up with Drista and then with another SCP I wanted to meet." They frown, crossing their arms in front of them.

Technoblade squints a bit, glaring a little in the process. He then lets out a huff through his nose before nodding. "Which SCP were you planning to meet with after?" They pause, having had two different SCPs in mind. Originally, they were going to just visit both but came to the conclusion they didn't want Drista to be lonely.

"Well, uh.." Their mind blanks for a second.

' Say a random word. '



"What?" Technoblade counters, watching as the other twitches a bit before giving a sigh of defeat.

"I honestly don't know.. I was just going to go and meet an SCP I haven't met just yet." They tap their index fingers against each other. Silently, they to looked to a wall on the side.

The older male just sighs before rubbing his eyes with his palms. "Alright. Le's get going then."

"W-what?" They asked, looking to Technoblade with confusion.

"I'm goin' with you." He speaks naturally, as if he had made up his mind in the beginning. "To both parts of whatever you're investigating."

"A-alright.." They smiled a bit nervously. Who said they were investigating something..?

Technoblade walks past them with a low grunt, motioning for them to follow. They follow with slight reluctance.

Taking a moment to relish in the silence, they turn down the series of hallways before ending up in the Control Room to Drista's chambers.

"Huh.." Y/n heard Techno hum for a moment. They look out the window trying to spot Drista.

' She's not here. '

They bite down on their bottom lip. "She isn't here." As they grip onto the Control Panel they don't notice Technoblade picking up a clipboard with a crimson red colored file attached to it.

"She's been grabbed up for testing." The younger pales slightly at his words. "If she doesn't pass she'll be moved to a different facility against George's wishes." He frustratedly puts the clipboard back in its spot.

"Have-.." Internally, they panic as they continued to stare out the window. "Have they started already?" They finally look to the older, who took the crimson file off of the clipboard and properly opened it.

"Not just yet. They'll be starting in about twenty minutes." He responds, continuing to go through the file.

"Let's go then." They moved to stand facing the older entirely. They needed to get Drista out of whatever they were going to do to her.

"We can't. Neither of us has a key card for access to that part of the facility." He closes the file, placing it on top of the clipboard.

"What?! You mean you don't- ugghhh..." They run their hands through their hair as they let out an exhausted grumble.

"C'mone. We can still visit another SCP. I have one in mind but you can choose for right now. Let's just start walking though." Technoblade walked over to the door, opening it and looking back expectantly at Y/n.

They nodded, still grumbling under their breath. Quietly turning, they walk out first. Technoblade following behind them, closing the door.

Neither say a thing as Y/n starts leading down the series of hallways. As they continue walking, all they listen to are their footsteps. Y/n stops walking when the pair come to a fork in the road.
A hallway that splits into three different halls.

The younger rubs their right eye with their right hand, an ache in their eye. Technoblade moves to stand besides them, his hands noticably twitchy. He most likely recognized the fork in the road more than Y/n did.

"Well? Which SCP?" Techno asks, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks to the other as they glance at each hall. They were all eerily similar in almost each and every way.

You could choose to the visit the SCP straight ahead. The SCP to the left. Or the SCPs to the right.

Which do you choose?

      A) Straight.

      B) Left.

      C) Right.



A/n -  I was out all day yesterday so I wasn't able to work on and finish this Chapter like how I wanted.

I need to know.. Which age frame do you want to go by?

16-17 ?

18-22 ?

23-26 ?

I need to know so that I can get started on the "Love" aspect of some things. I will remind you now though that most of the Characters in this story are likely to remain Platonic depending on the choices you make. Plus the probable of me not knowing their comfort zone for this type of stories.

Take Drista or Technoblade as an example.
Reasoning behind me keeping Techno Platonic would be because One- he's called it cringe when shipping him with other CC's. Two- he's a "Forever Ager" in this story. Three- i can see him as a father like figure to this story's reader.
Reasoning for Drista is mainly because I don't honestly know her standpoint on Fanfictions. I can doubt she'd want to be written into a "Drista x Reader" thing unless it was platonic but I don't know. Plus, I can see a Familial relationship between Drista and this story's reader.

One last note :)
I do have a MCYT One~Shots book for the Dream SMP and More on my Profile. If you want something but this book won't provide you can go over there and make a request for that specific Character if you'd like.

Stay safe, Love you <3  - n\A

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