Mike x reader || fluff

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(Y'all're lucky, before this request, this was not what I planned for my first Mike fic lmao)

requested by: -LonelyLoner-
I hope you enjoy! (Also, I really like the name of your reading list ^^)

A file sat on the long dining room table, untouched by the occupants of the Oletus Manor. The first person to happen across said file was one by the name of Mike Morton, alias: the acrobat. The brightly dressed blonde recognized the file as one that described a new survivor, and became excited instantaneously. When breakfast rolled around in the morning, he announced his findings to everyone. For the next few days, the manor was buzzing with excitement and already passing rumors of who or what this new survivor could be. Mike, having memorized everything on the character file, was tasked with welcoming this person to the manor. After almost a week of anticipation, the long awaited survivor arrived at the manor.

You were cold and alone. This was nothing new. Since the first day you could remember, cold and alone was always how you felt. When you learned what these feelings meant, and how you've come to feel them constantly, the harsh reality made you feel even worse. Now, you learned to be independent and deal with these feelings yourself. You even made a life for yourself out of practically nothing. And when a mysterious letter with nothing but your name written on it practically appeared out of nowhere, well, you thought you were sensible enough to ignore it. Why would you waste your hard earned life on a whim that could result in something terrible? That's what you thought, until you read the letter. You soon came to accept the fact that your life was not as great as you made it out to be. Reluctantly, you packed what little personal belongings you owned and made your way to the middle of nowhere.

You were cold and alone, standing on the doorstep of an intimidating mansion. The outside looked like it had not been touched in years, but the glimmers of light shining through from the few unblocked windows and the faint chattering you heard suggested otherwise. Heaving a sigh, taking three seconds to prepare, and finally raising your fist to the large doors, you knocked. Before you had the chance to back out or knock again, the doors swung open revealing an overwhelming amount of people. Involuntarily, you tense up. A beat passes where no one moves. Then as you take in your surroundings, you take a step forward, door closing behind you. The silence is broken before it becomes too awkward.

"You must be our new survivor!" Survivor? What does that mean? A hand flies to your shoulder, snapping you out of your inquisitive thoughts. You turn your head to meet the one greeting you to be met with an ear-to-ear grin. If you weren't so freaked out, you might have found it endearing. Trying to be as civil as possible, you greeted them, slipping the hand off your shoulder in the process. You didn't know if they could tell that you were beginning to become overwhelmed, or if this was normal procedure for a new 'survivor,' but the crowd backed off a little bit, the person next to you further back, but still just as cheerful.

"I'm Mike! You're (y/n), right?" You gave him a curt nod while analyzing his features. Something about him rubbed you the wrong way. You normally weren't so judgemental of someone so soon after meeting them, but Mike did not strike you as someone trustworthy. You wanted to get a chance to meet everyone before you formed incorrect opinions on anyone. Your eyes on his, you shook his hand.

The next few hours were filled with the most socialization in your life. You learned all 29 survivor's names, their abilities, and interests. There was no way you were remembering all of that in the morning. One thing struck you as odd, however. When everyone else got caught up in talking about themselves or some aspect of the game they were describing, the acrobat would come pull you out of the conversation, or subtly redirect the other party to ask about you instead. What were his intentions? As tempted as you were to ask about his deal, you knew it wouldn't be best to make enemies on the first day you were here. He seems like the person to not take kindly to those suspicious of him. Though, you were still a little grateful for his timely interruptions, as you would've never gotten out of any one-sided conversation otherwise. The other survivors slowly dissipated after a while, the interest in a newcomer replaced with the tiredness that comes with the late hour. As more and more people left the room, you found Mike. It wasn't like you were looking for him, but you did have a question or two that he seemed like he could answer.

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