Happy Birthday!

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Sorry for the late chapter, It's for a good reason!

So since yesterday (the 29th) was my birthday, I wanted to write self-indulgent fluff with my best boy,,, You can think of this as a continuation to my first story or it's own part. Also, I very clearly hint at nsfw at the end, just warning you.

There was still a rough spot between (y/n) and Naib, and Emily. They decided to not tell anyone about finally deciding what their relationship would be, though they were sure enough people could tell. They wouldn't be affectionate unless they were alone, but Naib had a bad habit of messing with her in matches, causing playful banter between the two until something happened for them to no longer be distracted. Some of the more attentive survivors would notice their passing glances between each other, just waiting to be alone together. Everyone noticed how much happier the two were, even if they didn't know what was going on between them. Emily eventually apologized, and they were happy to accept. Everything was great.

As (y/n) woke, she realized she was alone. This wasn't normal. No matter who's room they ended falling asleep in, they would always stay together. So for her to be waking up in his bed, alone, worried her slightly. It was still early; too early for her to be awake, but she got up anyways, with a purpose to find Naib. Three steps out of his room, and she was greeted by Eli.

"Eli, where is Naib?" She questioned

"I don't know, he may be in the garden, why don't you check there?"

She sighed, not wanting to walk everywhere this early in the morning, but went ahead to look for him. On her way to the garden, she realized she never checked her match schedule, and after making a quick detour to the match board, she was surprised to see her name nowhere on the board. She checked for Naib's name as well, only seeing him once, right after breakfast. She started again to the garden, bumping into a few others that greeted her. Before she could make it to the garden, Emma came up to her to strike up a conversation.

"Good morning, (y/n)! How did you sleep?"

"Good morning, Emma, I slept alright, how about you?"

Emma replied with a complaint about her lack of sleep, though she still seemed cheerful, and trapped her in a conversation about her weird dreams. After discussing dreams for a moment, Emma changed the subject to her plants, leading (y/n) to her newly planted herb garden, just in time for the coming winter, then she led her to her winter blooming plants. Snowdrops in one area, pansies in another, and in the center of her garden, Emma's pride and joy, Camellias. They 'ooh'-ed and 'ah'-ed over the beautiful pink blooms until Emily came to get them for breakfast. She noted on her way out that Naib wasn't in the garden, though she could've missed him on her way. Her forgotten search was soon unnecessary as she sat next to him at the dining table. They whispered good morning to each other and began to eat, holding hands underneath the table for a moment, Naib using this moment to silently apologize for leaving her alone. As they finished their meal, their hands separated, and they had to part again, she began to clean up while Naib left for his only match. She was stopped from cleaning as soon as she started, being told she was needed elsewhere. She was confused as to why everyone was acting so weird, but didn't question it and headed to where she was requested to go. Heading to the library, she walked inside and was met by a few survivors and hunters. Martha and Patricia as well as Michiko and Mary were waiting for her. They seemed to be in a disagreement. Before anyone realized she was there, the disagreement turned into harsh yelling. It seemed to be a fight between Martha and Mary, whereas the other two were pulled into it trying to calm them down. Only when Martha and Mary took a step closer to each other did she make herself known.

"You two, stop. What is going on?" She got in between them, causing them to step back. Taking their eyes off of each other seemed to help, as once they got out of the range of the other, they calmed down. The matter dulled down as neither wanted to explain the beginnings of their squabble, only apologizing for their behavior. That was until Martha accused (y/n).

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