Emma x possessive reader

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Actually a little Emma x Emily

TW: overwhelming possessiveness? also heavy insinuation of torture at the end, forgive me

Angst, 2nd person this time, I feel like it's time to try, also reader might be a bit yandere? I don't really know.

It was all about her in your mind. The way she smiles and tilts her head at something that surprises her, her eyes squinting until they're closed. The way she was friends with everyone and is always the first to greet any new addition to the manor. Even when you had to calm her down from her jitters and psychotic episodes, you loved her; everything about her. Emma Woods didn't know how much you cherished her, but treated you with the same respect and kindness as she would with anyone. To you, no one was good enough for your precious Emma. Too many people treated her terribly, not caring for her feelings or boundaries, and you wanted to change that. You felt as though if you were able to have Emma as your own, you could show the others how she should be treated. That was your goal. 

"(Y/N)!" Emma's voice carried across the room, "come check this out!" You followed her silently, glaring at the judging looks placed on the two as they made their way to whatever excited Emma so much. The cheerful girl led the protective one to a set of double doors. With a strong push, they opened the doors and headed into a bright light, a stark contrast to the shadowy manor. Emma once again gasped as she came face to face with what seemed to be an abandoned greenhouse. There were no plants, but weeds and vines overtook the place. You were paying close attention to her actions, while she began to tear down the invasive plants, thinking out loud of her plans for this abandoned garden.

"We can build it back up! If we can find seeds, we can put pansies over there, maybe marigolds over here," she pointed at different spots as she spoke, your eyes followed to where her finger directed, "We should leave the vines, but make them grow to the side of the greenhouse!" Before the two could make any progress, the opening doors signified a new person entering the garden. 

"Emma, it's time for lunch!" The doctor called, noticing the bright character hidden in the mess, her eyes then landed on you, and she continued, "oh, (y/n)! I didn't know you were with her!" The doctor led you and Emma to the kitchen where everyone else was already seated. While Emma became invested in idle chat with the survivors sitting next to her, you tried your best not to tackle the Thief, who was giving Emma unsavory glances. After finishing your food and not-so-patiently waiting for Emma to finish hers, you took her away from the room and back to the garden. The confusion in her eyes forced an explanation from you, though you didn't need to tell her anything.

"I didn't want you in the room with that Thief anymore, I can tell he makes you uncomfortable," you didn't want to place the blame on Emma, so you continued, "he makes me uncomfortable, too." Though it wasn't completely true, you hoped that Emma would understand that neither of them should be around him. As cheerful as always, Emma agreed and began to work again, pulling you with her to help. You worked for hours, bringing up different topics of conversation to pass the time and to hear Emma's voice. As she talked about how much she loved gardening and occasionally mentioned Mr. Scarecrow, who she wasn't supposed to talk about, you shifted from taking down vines to pulling up weeds. As the hours passed, noticeable progress had been made, though there was still a lot to work on. You didn't notice, but Emma's chit-chat turned into a conversation about feelings, and she asked you about yours. 

"So, who do you get along with best in the manor?"

"You." You state, serious as ever. She giggled and prompted further thinking on the topic.

"How about this then, I love Emily! You're my best friend, but I would date Emily, if I were given the chance." Your heart shattered. You loved Emma, how could she be with someone so possessive and harsh. Emily was always scolding Emma for her self-sacrificing nature. You wanted Emma to realize that you were hers and she was yours! There is no one else, especially not the people that make her feel so terrible. 

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