Eli x Reader (Part 1)

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ahhhh i never published this one! So sorry, I'll try not to let it happen again^^

Summary : Eli and the reader get stuck in increasingly awkward situations
(We can pretend Eli doesn't have a fiancé,,,)

Fluff, 3rd person, Word Count: 1897, there will be a part two probably tomorrow

"Eli! (y/n)! It's your turn to clean up!" The survivors had just finished dinner and were preparing for bed, while the two who were called began taking plates and leftovers to the kitchen. As they worked, they made the unspoken agreement for (y/n) to take everything to the kitchen and put away excess food while Eli washed dishes. They worked silently and in unison, trying to get their chore done as quickly as possible.

"Eli, I'm going right behind you, don't move." (y/n) warned as she reached above him to open a cabinet. He could feel her pressing against his back, even if it was only for a slight second. After that moment, they were acutely aware of every moment they touched. She closed the cabinet when she finished, and moved on to her other tasks. Eli finished cleaning the last of the dishes and went to help her with whatever she had left to accomplish. He gently took a rag from her hand and began to clean the table, noticing the feel of her skin on his. After they finished, he smiled and offered her a walk back to her room. The whisper of the night was the only sound that accompanied them through their walk.

"Good night, Eli." (y/n) murmured while opening her door.

"Good night, sleep well." He responded before walking back to his own room. He thought back to her reaching above him, pressing against his back and his hand touching hers, how soft her skin was, and how awkward the situation must've been for her. He sighed, reminding himself to correct his behavior in the morning, and went to bed.

(y/n) was awake. The thoughts of being so close to Eli and how uncomfortable she must've made him beleaguered her mind, keeping awake. She made a mental note to apologize in the morning, and with the issue resolved, became still and waited for sleep to wash over her. She didn't dream, but tossed restlessly throughout the night. When she awoke, the previous nights thoughts were not a concern to her as she made her way down to see what her day's schedule would look like.

Because he awoke earlier than usual, Eli already had his breakfast and checked the match board for his matches. So when (y/n) arrived, he was prepared to apologize for the past night's awkwardness. That was until he saw the purple spots under her eyes and her feet dragging against the floor.

"You look like you didn't sleep well." He states, leading her to a chair and bringing her a plate. "Here, want some breakfast?"

She smiles in return, already forgetting her fatigue. "I'm alright, I just haven't woken up yet." She takes the plate and silverware from him. "Thanks. Hey, you haven't happened to check the match board yet?" She questions, hoping she wouldn't have to get up again to check.

"I did. You've only one match today." He willing answers, then adds, "it's with me, though." She hums and finishes her plate, taking it to the sink to wash it. Eli follows her.

"My first match is in a few minutes, then right after is our match." He goes to leave, but she stops him. The hand wrapped around his wrist pulled him back slightly as she subtly responded.

"Thank you, Eli." Her smile that followed meant the world to him. He started to say something in return, but she continued. "Good luck, I'll see you soon." She let go and continued to clean. He did not want her to let go, but he knew he had to go as to not keep the others waiting. He made his way to the match room, empowered by the luck she wished upon him, and once again longing for her calming touch. He was the last to arrive but not by long enough that his teammates were annoyed by him. As soon as the match started, he began to decode. He managed to pop it with no problem, two more following suit. Eli was confused. Either someone was incredible at keeping the hunter contained or something was different with the hunter, whether they were friendly or too tired to be in a match, Eli didn't know. Using his trusted owl, he spectated all of his teammates, all of which were peacefully decoding. He wondered where the hunter was, until his heartbeat picked up out of nowhere.

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