Alternate Ending

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"I'm not gonna hurt you anymore." He was almost there. One more step. He couldn't cause anymore pain. No longer would he be the cause of their suffering. He just needed one more step.

"Norton!" They screamed, rushing toward him. They barely managed to catch his hand. Their hearts were pounding in unison. The hug they forced him into was all he needed to break down again. Their shoulder suddenly became cold as the wind mixed with Norton's tears reached their skin. They shuffled away from the ledge, but continued to comfort Norton, stroking his hair and whispering words of encouragement.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He sobbed into their shoulder, unable to muster anything else. He couldn't count how many things he was sorry for, though the amount of times he repeated it was probably a similar number.

"Norton, it's ok. Don't apologize. Just let it out." The short sentences they spoke in kept Norton focused. He steadied his breathing, with their help, and began to explain himself. They stopped him.

"Hey, I'm not gonna force an explanation out of you. You need rest. Will you come with me?" They held out their hand for Norton to take as they led him to the infirmary, where they would ask the doctor to make sure he was alright. The walk was stiff. Norton hoped they didn't run into anyone. He was known for his aloof nature, and his puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks didn't give the impression he wanted.

"I read your diary." He stated after a prolonged moment of silence.

"Oh," they didn't know how to react, seeing as this fact came out of the blue. "It's ok, but what were you doing in my room?" The question wasn't harsh, just curious. Norton blinked; it almost made them think he fell asleep as he was walking, but soon enough, he opened them again but never responded. When the two reached the infirmary, they were greeted by the doctor, who quickly took in Norton and began to question them. After hours of queries and conformations, the doctor let them leave, on the condition that Norton would have to check up with her every day. Only when the two arrived at (y/n)'s room after the doctor dismissed them did Norton answer their question.

"I was looking for you, to apologize." He murmured, taking off his shoes crawling into bed, awaiting for sleep to finally wash over him. They sighed and followed suit, quickly preparing for bed and placing themselves next to Norton.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" They asked tentatively, but Norton only groaned and further shoved himself into the comfort of the bed. (y/n) smiled and laid down, their backs against each other. Even though they were still both shaken by the day's events, they managed to calm down, sleeping through the night restfully.

A/N: I can't do that to my poor boy. I can't commit to angst, so have a happier ending. Please do tell me if you'd like this to be continued. Sorry the update is so short today, I'm on a short break off of school for a few days, so I'll be able to get more in soon^^

T^T I feel so bad for Non-non, I had to give him a better ending. 

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