Lucky x reader || part 2

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"I love you."

Both of you were in utter bliss, holding each other, forgetting everything else in the world until you were brought back by a knock at the door. Though the person who knocked didn't say anything, you two knew it was time for dinner, and you knew that Lucky was still slightly uncomfortable wearing this costume of his.

"We'll go together, I won't leave you the whole time." He nodded at your promise and you held your hand out, partly to help him up, partly to reassure him that you don't intend to break your promise. Together, you walked to the dining room. As you sat down next to each other, you got a few uncomfortable comments, but mostly support from the others of your new looks. You answered the few praises, as Lucky was too embarrassed to do anything but stare. When you began to eat, Emily informed you of the match you would have to participate in after dinner. As confident as you seemed, you didn't want to wear this costume in a match. With a slightly shaking, but still strong, voice, you prompted her to continue with listing the names of who was going to be in the match. She listed off the names, but she never mentioned Lucky. Before either of them could speak up, a groan emitted from a few seats away.

"Do I really have to go to an unscheduled match?" William huffed, earning a sour look from the doctor. She breathed in to respond, but was overspoken by Lucky.

"I could take over for you! If that's alright?" He shouted, then backtracked quietly, as if to apologise for his sudden volume. Your eyes brightened, and you grabbed his hand impulsively underneath the table. When he felt your grip on him, he chuckled and intertwined his fingers with yours. You continued to eat, then headed to the match room. You were happy with Lucky stepping in to fill William's place, but you didn't want to be on a team with the thief and the magician, who both said disparaging things about the two of you. All you could do was hope that the hunter was sweet about it and didn't pile on the snide comments as well. You realized that your hopes were in vain, however, as you ran into the Ripper first, almost losing heath at your first encounter. You were able to throw down a pallet so that he couldn't hit you. Then, you ran. You trekked practically the entire map before he got his first hit on you, all the while getting under your skin with pejorative remarks. Getting hit caused you to stumble, tearing your dress in inconvenient places. Little did you know, someone over heard his comments, and prepared for attack. You were squirming around suspended in the air when a loud bang startled you. Instantly, you were thrown to the ground so as to not escape from the Ripper's grasp. He chuckled, picking you back up and directing his insults to Lucky, who shot him again. Jack's taunts were replaced with curses as Lucky grabbed you by the arm and led you from the hunter. Once you were safe, he engulfed you in the tightest hug you've ever had.

"I'm sorry, I dragged you into th-"

Before he could finish his sentence, your lips were on his, cutting him off without delay. Your smile grew as the red on his face got deeper. Instead of explaining why he had no reason to apologize, you pulled him to the ground and sat with him, running your hands through his hair and fixing both of your dresses, showing him that no matter what happens, you'll always be with him. Your moment of silence was cut off by an alarm blaring across the playing field. Running to the nearby exit, you began to open it, while Lucky went to the nearby box to find something helpful. Jack must have been busy with the other two, you thought as you and Lucky ran through the exit gate with no injuries or worry.

When you arrived back to the manor, you were face to face with Miss Nightingale, who took prompt notice of the tears in your- well, Lucky's- dress. She led you to the room you saw Lucky in earlier and began to take your measurements.

"You two make a lovely couple." She commented, making light conversation. You became flustered slightly, but responded.

"We, uhm, we aren't dating." You started, but your mind wandered to your kiss in the match and when you comforted him hours earlier. "Well, we might be? I mean I-" You began to ramble a bit, but stopped when she led you to a chair. The two of you conversed for a long time as she worked on a dress of your own. You didn't realize how long you talked until Lucky knocked on the door. He yawned.

"It's really late, are you two going to bed anytime soon?" Both of you looked tired while Miss Nightingale seemed as awake as usual. When she realized the time, she ushered the two of you to bed, promising that your outfit would be finished in the morning. Before you had a chance to tell her that it wasn't that important, she was gone. You and Lucky bid each other a goodnight, and left for your rooms.

You awoke early, to the most detailed, frilly maid's dress you had ever laid eyes on. It was beautiful, but you still didn't want to wear it. For starters, it was too short for your taste, and the open back was something you've never tried before, but Miss Nightingale put too much effort into it for you to let it sit in your closet, unworn. Slightly struggling, you managed to don the dress. It was still early, and a mischievous idea popped into your mind. Sneaking across the hallway, you found yourself at Lucky's door. You let yourself in, but you didn't expect him to be awake.

"You look," He paused, taking you in, "great." In response to his compliment, you twirled and curtsied, smiling and giggling throughout. He pulled you to sit with him on his floor, and you began to talk.

"Thank you for yesterday."

"I should be thanking you. You saved me for something really unpleasant." Before you could brush off your statement with a laugh, brought his face to yours and planted a chaste kiss to your lips. You kissed back, declaring your feelings once again as he did the night before. Gaining confidence, he ran his hands down the open back of your dress, resulting in a shiver from you, something that he clearly enjoyed seeing. Your time of loving each other had to come to an end as everyone else began to wake up, though as you went down, you didn't let your hands go. Noticing your lack of matches scheduled, you sighed happily, imagining the nap you'd take with Lucky later in the afternoon. You dreaded the comments you would get as you sat down to eat, but they never came.

"Wow! You look great!" Emma came bounding in, barraging you with her joy early in the morning. Lucky instantly agreed with her, piling on the compliments as the other few seemed to join in. Face tinged with pink, you thanked them and began to eat before you became more embarrassed. You decided, in respect of the maid costume, to clean until your afternoon nap. Amused by your decision, Lucky donned his and cleaned with you, laughing and joking with you the whole time. You two made considerable progress before you became tired, and a little bored, and you decided it was time for your well-deserved nap. You led Lucky to your bedroom, opting to remove both of your over-done costumes. As you settled in to a comfortable position, you both idly whispered sweet compliments to each other, making sure you knew of your love and adoration of the other. 

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