Various x reader || Secret Santa

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A/N: (a/n at the beginning this time to explain) Sorry this took me so long to get out, I have big plans for this ^^ So I had an idea. I'm going to write this now, then post a story with a survivor up until Christmas. Semester exams are coming up, so updates will be slow, meaning that this is what to expect for the next chapters. Below are the characters I have planned for this series.


a little side note, most things in this chapter are plot relevant to each character's chapter. I wanted to try out something new^^ I hope you enjoy!

You awoke in the morning with a chill. Being the beginning of December, you knew it was about to start getting cold. When you headed downstairs, you were greeted by a brightly dressed doctor holding a bowl.

"Good Morning (y/n)!" She waved you over and handed you a sheet of paper. "Could you write all the survivor's names on this sheet of paper, then tear them off and put them in this bowl?" You nodded while she left to go make breakfast. With your best handwriting, you wrote down the names of the 30 survivors of the manor, placing a tiny heart next to each name, for creativity. Emily took the bowl when you finished, and the two of you waited. When everyone arrived at the dining room for breakfast, she began her announcement. 

"Good Morning, everyone! As most of you know, it is December 1st, meaning we are stating our secret santa! For those of you who are new," she looks at you for a moment, "every year during the Christmas season, each of you will draw someone's name at random, and you have to give that person a gift!" You, along with the other survivors that haven't been here long enough to know what to do, gave her your full attention as she spoke, while the "veterans" seemed slightly bored with her explanation. Once she finished her spiel, she held the bowl out to you. You closed your eyes and reached into the bowl, fishing around for a moment, then drew your hand back with a folded up paper in your clutch. Everyone formed a line behind you. You decided to wait until later to read the name on the slip, as you didn't want anyone else to see it. You wouldn't have a chance to look at it; you were called to a match.

You were the first to the match room, being both the most and least prepared. You weren't very hungry, but it would've been nice to get something in your stomach before you had to spend who knows how many hours running for your life. Naib was the first of your teammates to arrive.

"So (y/n), who'd you get for the secret Santa thing?" He nudged your shoulder playfully; you shoved him back with an equally cheerful attitude.

"I haven't looked yet, besides I don't think we're supposed to tell other people." He huffs for a moment, leaning back in his chair.

"Well, I'm very satisfied with who I got."

"Who'd you get?" Norton asked, taking the seat next to you, placing you in between the two.

"We aren't supposed to say!" Emma skipped over to the last seat as she arrived, lightly hitting Norton's hat. Before anyone could counter with their own argument, the match began.

There was no comfort from the sound of machinery coming from the Arms Factory. You didn't find solace in the clacking of the keys as you typed away on the cipher machine in front of you. You didn't have to wait long for a light-hearted feeling to lift you up, however, as Emma came behind you and jumped up using your shoulders as support. She dismantled the nearby chair with haste and assisted you in your decoding. When the cipher was near completion, you told Emma to finish it off while you searched for the next one to work on. You wondered why the hunter hadn't found either of you yet. It was a dumb idea to waste time chasing after Naib or Norton first, where as a hunter could get you or Emma down fairly quickly, depending on the day. It never occurred to you that something might be different when the two boys shouted their cipher decoding progress from two different spots, both well over half-way. You decided to scout out the hunter, just in case something was wrong. As you made your way to the center of the map, your heartbeat began to pick up. Finally, you were face to face with a droopy-eyed sculptor.

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