Andrew x Reader

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Andrew trying to woo the reader, his crush, by taking the other survivors' advice

Requested by  affogatoh

I hope you enjoy^^

Andrew had always been alone. He had been surrounded by evil and hatred. He was told and expected to believe what good was and what evil was, but he was done with that. All he wanted was to be happy. He was happy with his mother, then that was taken from him. He was forced into a life he hated. This manor was everything for him. Here, no one treated him like a monster, he was with a family, and there was her. (y/n) (l/n); the person who truly made him feel cared for. He felt like it was an understatement to say what he had was a crush, but these feelings were new to him, and he needed someone to help him. The first thing in Andrew's mind would be to go to his best friends, Victor and Luca.

"I could help you set up a romantic date! Just think, flowers, candles, she'd be sure to fall in love with you!" Luca faked a dreamy sigh while Andrew just rolled his eyes. Victor then tapped on his shoulder.

"A love letter? I could help with that!" The paper in his hands read. Andrew smiled at the thought of that, though he didn't know how to write love letters or even express what he wants to say. He struggled to find the words to explain his thoughts.

"I'm grateful for your ideas, but," His friends noticed his hesitation, and filled in his sentence.

"You want to be yourself! We get it. A letter is Victor's strong point, not yours." Luca and Victor began to think of what Andrew could do for (y/n); a way to be himself while helping him get closer to her. Their silence prompted Andrew to look elsewhere. He told them to think about it, while he went to search for someone who could give him more ideas. His search led him to a group hanging out in the main open area, where an odd group was waiting for their match to begin. Naib, Vera, Demi and Norton were discussing match strategies, and Vera's crush on Martha. Andrew didn't want to interrupt, and that wouldn't be a problem as Norton pulled him into their conversation.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Andrew?" Norton took note of the look on his face. He frowned, but reluctantly answered.

"I want to do something for (y/n). I want to show her how much she means to me." He still grimaced at the fact that he was sharing his secret with so many people, but wanted their advice. Vera gasped and started rambling out her ideas.

"You have to be confident! Just go to her and tell her, right now! You-" Everyone but Norton seemed to agree with Vera.

"That's not him, you guys." He defends the nervous boy who seemed to be regretting confronting the group. "Take it slow and steady, you'll get to her eventually. I'm sure you can do it." Narrowing his eyes, Andrew sighed and left. That wasn't right either. He wanted to tell her soon. He was already close to her, but he wasn't going to throw everything away by extravagantly professing his feelings. He wandered off again, maybe someone else had decent advice. He took everything everyone said into consideration, but nothing anyone had said has helped him thus far. As his mind wandered, so did his feet, leading him to the gardens where Emma and Emily were watering the flora.

"Hi, Andrew." Emma bounced towards him after setting down her watering can. "What can we do for you?" Emily followed close behind her. 'They would know about relationships', He speculated, while formulating a question that wouldn't completely give him away.

"For someone who is," he thought of his next words carefully, "non-confrontational, how could I express my feelings to someone?" The two girls smiled giddily and led him to a different area of the garden. Entirely ignoring his parameters, they began to envision Andrew and his crush, even though they didn't know who she was.

"Ah, you could take her for a walk in the garden! Give her flowers and confess at sunset!" Emma loses herself in her imagination, while Emily takes a more practical approach.

"You should take some of these flowers for her, that would be nice. You could confess when you give them to her." That wasn't bad.

"She's in a match right now, should I leave them in her room?" He wondered aloud, then Emily gasped again.

"You like (y/n)? I'm happy for you!" She exclaimed while beginning to show him different flowers.

"How did you figure it out from that?" His brows furrowed as the confusion laced through his voice.

"(y/n) is currently in a match with Kurt, Mike, and Kevin." She listed the names, only one being female. Andrew went silent again, he did not know she was in a match entirely filled with males. He didn't want to overwhelm her right after she got out of her match, so he opted to leave the flowers he chose in a vase in her room. He asked Emma to help him pick meaningful flowers, even if (y/n) wasn't aware of their message, to give her a hint of how he felt.

"Here, it's simple but it does it's job!" Emma presented him with a bouquet that represented what he told her he wanted it to say. "Newly bloomed chrysanthemums, it means that you're grateful for your friendship, but paired with the dark red carnation, it would mean something similar to what you told me."

Andrew softly repeats what he told her to the flowers.

"You mean so much to me. I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me, and thank you for loving me." Breathing in the aroma produced by his bouquet, he breaths out a sigh of relief and happiness. "Thank you, Emma." He left them to whisper about how cute they found the situation. After searching for a vase, and filling the vase with water, he took the blooms to her room, first making sure that she hadn't returned. Realizing that it would be a bit weird to leave flowers from an unknown sender in her room, he wrote a small note and placed it within them. It was less of a note, and more of an indication of who gifted them to her. He simply wrote his name, followed by a bold heart. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly upon gazing at his handiwork. Knowing that she'd be back soon, he made the decision on doing one more thing. The feeling he got from giving her the flowers made him want to give her more. After tidying her room a bit, and being proud of himself for coming up with an original idea, he left to greet her as she returned from her longer than expected match.

"Hi, Andrew." (y/n) greeted happily through the obvious pain of the scratches she gained from the hits she took. "How are you?"

"Can I take you to the infirmary?" Ignoring her question, he wanted to tend to her first, even if that meant just disinfecting her wounds and wrapping them up. She smiled and followed him, nodding slightly before starting towards the clinic. He led her to a bed, where she sat down and rolled up her sleeves. He took the cotton ball that he had just soaked in disinfectant and began to softly rub it across her forearm, where the majority of her scrapes and bruises were. She sighed and closed her eyes, sometimes gripping Andrew's other hand when the sting was a bit too painful. Andrew moved to her legs, looking to her for approval to touch her again. She smiled. After being thoroughly cleaned and taken care of, Andrew let her go to her room, promising that if she'd relax, he'd bring her dinner. She accepted and headed up. He barely got started when she rushed back down again.

"You got me flowers?" To him, it sounded like she was going to cry. "Andrew, can I hug you?" Her pleading eyes made his heart flutter. Immediately, he stopped what he was previously doing, engulfing her in a hug that allowed them to feel each other's heartbeats. They stayed like that for a moment, and while (y/n) was buried in his chest, she mumbled four words that caused his heart to shoot through the roof.

"I really like you."

He smiled while resting his cheek to the side of her head, whispering, "I really like you too." He was nervous for her reaction, and was troubled from his struggle throughout the day, but she made the ultimate outcome worth it, and he would gladly go through it again for her.

Word Count: 1452

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