Warmth (Kevin Ayuso x Reader)

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Summary: Kevin takes care of the reader after being stuck in the rain

Fluff, 1st person, short (Word count 1222)

Light droplets of water cascaded from the sky. The soft roll of distant thunder would be perfect and calming to anyone... in any other situation except this one. It was a 2 v 8 match that had just begun. No more than two ciphers had been popped when the bottom fell out, drenching everyone and everything and most likely causing sniffles and headaches the following day. The two hunters happened to be Luchino and Mary, the two least helpful when it came to protection from the rain, not for lack of trying. Most survivors came a little prepared, one being the doctor. Wearing a cheerful yellow raincoat and rain hat, she lent her bright umbrella to others, since she didn't need it with her gear. I, however; was less fortunate. Once I made sure everyone had managed to find cover, I went in search of somewhere to hide myself. Slipping for the fourth time, trying to run to some kind of shield from the rain until the hunters could surrender the match, I finally made it to the little hut by the ocean. Only one other survivor hid with me, seeing as though the roof leaked in more places than it stayed dry, and it was barely big enough for more than two people. I wiped some of the water off my arm, and it was instantly replaced with more droplets from my hair.

"You look a little cold," the man next to me started, "want me to warm you up?" He grinned and held his gloved hand out. When I took it, instead of holding my hand like anyone else would do, he pulled me close to him, using his large-brimmed cowboy hat to shield us both from the downpour.

"Thanks, Kevin." Despite the fact that he acts this way with everyone, we still managed to form a great friendship. We huddled close, avoiding the freezing drips from the ceiling, whilst keeping our body heat between each other. A comfortable silence fell between us as the rain kept falling, only hinting at the threat of a cold, but otherwise peaceful. Being in the arms of someone who truly cared about me added to my peaceful thoughts, until I was rudely interrupted by a sneeze. I held my nose and stared wildly at Kevin, hoping he didn't-

"You're going to get sick! Here take this, keep yourself warm!" He started taking off his red poncho and gloves, forcing them towards me like it was the cure to everything. I politely shove them back towards him.

"Put your clothes back on, I know you want me, but have some decency!" I giggle, and he smiles with me. "I'm fine, one sneeze means nothing." I wasn't lying, and he knew that, but he still looked as if he wanted me to have more layers. To compensate for my lack of preparation, he held me tighter. Just then, the exit gates opened and we realized the hunters finally surrendered.

I grab onto his waist, "One more minute, " I complain, in turn pulling him closer to me. "I'm comfortable." He holds onto my arms and brings us both up. At this point, most of the other survivors were probably at an exit gate, and unfortunately for us, we were about an equal distance from each gate. The distance was far. Kevin held his arm around my waist as I did the same to him, trying to squeeze ourselves close enough that we were both covered by his hat. When we reached the exit gate, we were the only ones left, and the trudge back was worse. By the time we reached the manor, my legs wobbled like jelly beneath me. As much as I hated to admit it, I was cold, and a little jealous of Kevin, whose hat and poncho kept him mostly dry. As I spaced out in my thoughts, longing for warmth and regretting taking the comfort of my bed for granted this morning, a fluffy feeling wrapped around my neck, snapping me awake from my thoughts. I wasn't quite there, which caused weird looks from the survivors gathered around each other, still striving for the fulfilling feeling of comfort. When he notices my lack of reaction, his worry becomes apparent on his face. Before I processed what was happening, I was in my room. Kevin silently pulled me into his lap and began to use the fresh towel around my neck to dry my hair. I shiver. He gets up and pulls me up with him, eyes wide with a calm panic.

"Change your clothes." He demands of me, though I know it isn't meant to be rude. "I'll be waiting outside." He starts to leave, but I stop him.

"K-Kevin," I manage to barely raise my hands, "Can you help me? I can't feel my hands." I chuckle nervously. He knows I'm not a dependent person, and my asking for help is cause for concern. He walks over to my closet and rummages for a second. A few seconds later, he lays some comfy-looking, warm clothes on my bed.

"Are these ok?" He asks. I nod, trying to stay as still as possible, so as to not cause more pain from the prickling pins and needles that have taken their place on my body. "Are you sure you're ok with this?" He asks. Like the gentleman he is, he confirms my consent multiple times before doing anything, making me giggle and causing my nervous energy to dissipate. After my soaked, freezing clothes are removed, and my fresh ones are donned, he leads me to my bed, sitting himself next to me. The sudden transfer of warmth from his bare hands to mine makes me nervous. I don't notice the smile he's wearing while he looks at me, making circles on the back of my hands.

"You don't have to do this for me." My voice barely above a whisper. I don't like feeling vulnerable and dependent. I should be helping others, not being babied like this. Though, my resistance to myself is futile as my fatigue finally caught up to me. My head drooped low, and suddenly the weight of gravity pulling my head down was gone. Though I couldn't open my eyes, I figured that my head was resting on Kevin's shoulder, and his hands were still on mine, lightly massaging and rubbing the warmth back to them.

"I know you don't want to feel helpless," His whispers lull me, and I struggle to pay attention to his words. His hands shift from my hands to my back. "I want to take care of you. You've been there for me since we met, and you're the only one who plays along with my antics. You," he stops for a moment, most likely thinking I'm asleep.

"Kevin, I-" I want to say so much, but three words are perfect for portraying what I want to get across with the amount of energy I have. "I love you." I hesitate to end there, I want to shower him with praise as well, but I can't force more than a whisper through my lips.

"I love you too, truly." The last thing I hear from him as I drift off into the warmest, most comfortable sleep I have had in a long time.

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