Eli x reader || fluff

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requested by: kookfucc

 (starts off kind of angsty, but gets real fluffy real quick)

Tossed wildly by the wind, your hair angered you for the final time today. Covering your face, blocking your vision, even strands getting stuck to your lips, you huffed in frustration, tears pricking at the edges of your eyes. There wasn't much you could do anymore, the waves of irritation crashing down on you, you weathering it like a wet cat, the pin-pricks of tears soon began to drop. Red eyes and even more red faced, the mix of wind, wet cheeks, and wild hair kept your core temperature rising in anger. There was no mercy for the door you just slammed in. An audible silence hushed the room as you stormed in from your last match; the others that filled the main area only stared at you. Your nails scraped the last of the out of place strands of hair off your face and behind your ears, bright red marks in their place. You did not acknowledge the staring faces that filled the room in front of you, instead, your footsteps demonstrated their anger all the way to your room, though, you didn't slam that door. You were seconds away from shoving your face into your thickest pillow and screaming your head off until someone's knuckles brushed against the door, so quiet you almost didn't hear it over your rage. Isn't it common knowledge to leave someone alone when they're frustrated to the point of tears? Apparently, whoever knocked on your door didn't get the memo, because they just knocked again. You huffed indignantly and pushed yourself off the bed, furiously wiping the remnants of tears off your cheeks. The door opened to reveal the person best suited for comforting you, Eli Clark. Seeing him stare at you silently made you realize how silly you must look. Even though you know he wasn't judging you, the heat in your cheeks turned from frustration to a calm embarrassment as you wiped your eyes again and offered him a pathetic smile. You knew behind the mask, he was giving you a look you were quite accustomed to. You took a step back as he entered the room, closing the door behind him and engulfing you in a hug. For a moment, you couldn't hug him back, too tired to move, but as he held onto you and brushed his fingers through your now tangled hair, you broke again. You could feel the growing damp on the shoulder of his cloak from your tears. You tried to pull away, to wipe your face or do anything to resemble a sense of control, but the hands on the back of your head and small of your back kept you from going anywhere. As your arms reached behind him, your tears subsided, and all that was left of your previous frustration came in the form of fatigue. Slumping in his arms, he leads you to your bed a few steps away.

"Do you wanna talk about anything?" His voice came soft as the two of you sat. You were conflicted. On one hand, after the emotional catharsis that was your ugly crying on the love of your life's shoulder, you did want to do anything that involved using energy. On the other hand, Eli was always there for you to talk to, and you know you always feel better after talking out your problems.

"It's been a long day, Eli." You started, moving your hand to grip his. You took a long pause before continuing. "Everyone just- well, I don't know how to explain it. I messed one thing up, and now, everyone won't get off my back. It's like no one regards my presence until they need something from me, and today everyone needed someone to blame." Eli hummed at you thoughtfully before bringing you into another hug.

"It's ok to feel that way, I understand." He lowered his voice and brought his lips to your ears, "I don't blame you for anything, though" He paused to think. "Well, there is one thing." He pulled away from you, moving the hand previously held by yours to your cheek. "I blame you for stealing my heart." You smiled, leaning into him further.

"Eli, I love you."

"I love you, too."

You took a deep breath, stabilizing yourself. You were calm, no longer frustrated by the day's events, though the thought of you having to face the others who last saw you on the verge of tears, red faced and fuming, caused you a little discomfort. Eli was right next to you, wrapping his hand around your waist as a silent comfort, distracting you from entertaining the self-conscious thoughts running through your head. You decided that you would confront the mass in the morning, not wanting to move from your spot. You leaned back, taking the Seer down with you, the two of you laying on the pillows littering your bed. His hand reached your face as your eyes fluttered shut, succumbing to your lack of energy. 

mmmm im gonna end this here because I really really want to get something posted, but after the mess that has been these past few weeks, I haven't had much time to work on anything. 
(I do live in Texas, and our water is still not drinkable haha so I empathize with those of you who haven't been doing so well weather-related lately :,) ) but I digress; all I want to say is that I do apologize for the lack of consistency and multiple recent "breaks," I feel like I kept trying to force myself to come back sooner while I wasn't ready which... wasn't good! But, I should be good for a while (presuming something e l s e doesn't get slapped on to the back of the list of things to go wrong!)

My plan for the next updates goes something along the lines of:
Bane x reader (Request)
Colonel Dax x reader 
Sparrow!Norton x reader (request)
(Between these updates, I will try to revisit one of my old/unfinished fics)

I love you all! Sleep well and eat well and drink plenty of water! 


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