Sleep (Naib x Reader)

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The day was late. Everyone had retired to their rooms and most were drifting off to the land of dreams. Most didn't include Naib Subedar. His sleepless nights weren't a rare occasion; however, he had been sleeping fine recently. What changed between then and now? As far as he could tell, nothing. He was comfortable, wrapped up in two fluffy blankets, he wasn't thirsty, as shown by the empty water bottles strewn about his room, and he wasn't worried about anything. He just couldn't sleep. After an hour of tossing and turning and cuddling up to his blankets, he decided enough was enough and got up.

"It's an early head start to the day." He convinced himself under his breath, "Nothing wrong with being up and ready at 5 in the morning." Except it wasn't 5 in the morning. As he walked into the kitchen, he caught a glance at the clock looming above him, seeming to mock him for not being able to fall asleep. It read 2:28, an unreasonable time for him, or anyone to be awake. As he fully crossed the threshold to the kitchen, he noticed a figure hunched over the table. He thought they were working on something; however, only when he approached, did he realize they were asleep. The person in question, (y/n) (l/n), slightly rose her head and blinked when he got too close.

"Naib?" He had to lean in close to hear her, "What are you doing awake?" Though her voice was quiet, her concern couldn't be louder. The slight pressure of his hand on her head was a welcome comfort. He smiled down at her, in a futile attempt to quell her worries for him.

"I couldn't sleep, no biggie. What were you doing up?" He shoots back, concerned for her as well.

"I wasn't awake." A toothy grin emerged on her tired face, "I *was* sleeping." Naib mentally smacks himself, getting ready to apologize, when she speaks up again. "Are you sure you're ok, I can get you something if you'd like." She starts to get up, but comes to an abrupt halt when his hand collides with her shoulder, softly pushing her back down in her chair.

"I'm just bored, I was going to get some food." His feet moved him to the fridge while his eyes were still on her. "Why did you fall asleep here?" That was definitely a better question to ask. She hummed in thought, searching for an answer somewhere in the back of her mind.

"I don't know." She wasn't disturbed by the fact she didn't remember why she was here, or when she fell asleep in the desolate kitchen in the wee hours of the morning. "I was doing dishes, and I guess it took a lot longer that I thought. I was too tired to go back to my room." Her toothy grin reserved for Naib was replaced by a nervous one, followed by an equally nervous chuckle. She didn't want Naib to be mad at her for not taking better care of herself, as she often was with him. He didn't seem mad, she noted, as he rummaged through the fridge for something to munch on, humming in response to her odd answer. She grinned again; an idea suddenly popping into her head. As quiet as a mouse, she tip-toed behind him and reached for the old fashioned wooden bread box sitting on the counter. According to everyone else, that thing had never been able to open, as tried by the first survivors to arrive at this manor, but the curious mouse couldn't be contained, and as a result, she now has access to a hidden-in-plain-sight food storage unit. She snatched her midnight snack from its hiding place, and quietly waltzed over to Naib, tapping lightly on his back.

"Want some?" She held out a box of (favorite cookie). She could practically see his eyes light up and the drool form in his mouth as he nodded vigorously. He grabbed the milk from the fridge and two glasses from the cabinet beside it.

"How do you have these?" He gushed, "These are so good! I thought that they were all gone!" (y/n) chuckled at his cute antics, dipping one of her cookies in the milk he brought her.

"Every time we buy them, none get left for me, and these are my favorite!" She held to box up, as if to praise them for being so delicious. "So I decided to buy myself an extra box when I get assigned to getting groceries, and I hide them!" She adds sneakily, wiggling her fingers.. "I'll let you in on my little secret," Naib leans in closer, "the old bread box actually does open, so I hide them in there." They share a quiet giggle, as to not wake anyone up, and lean in closer to each other.

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