Various x reader + explanation

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No more secret santa, sorry if you were excited about that, but I really have no direction as to what to do with it, and I would rather change course with what I'm doing than to produce something that I'm not happy with/something that no one would enjoy. Anything that I tried to write did not come out the way I wanted, and I felt like it was inadequate for publishing. A few things before I get on with the story:
I wanted to update so many times through the holidays, but I haven't even been able to open my computer to write anything. I feel really bad about not getting anything updated on this book, so here are a few Work in Progress story snippets that I never finished for lack of time. Also, as for requests, I am working on them, it is proving to be a nicely challenging task that I am taking on well (:

So without further ado, here are a few different bits and pieces of stories I have planned to abandon unless someone wants me to continue them!


Edgar x Reader (Supposed to be for the secret santa au)

He approached you, calm but forceful. His eyes found yours and didn't leave them. Each step he took towards you caused the tension in the room to thicken. You were unable to react before his lips were against your, drawing you into a heavy kiss. You couldn't get a word in as he kept bringing his mouth to yours. Panting, he barely gave you enough time to breathe in between kisses. It was even harder to get any words out.

"Edgar, what are you doing?" You manage to slip out between kisses and breaths, short pauses between each syllable.

"Getting my present early." He stated as he pushed you back against the nearby wall. The impact of your back against the solid surface drew a solid gasp from your throat.  

(There's supposed to be a bit more between these parts, but I couldn't make anything stick)

 His hands moved to your waist by their own volition, pushing you further into the wall. He looked into your eyes, pleading for permission to touch you. Your eyes went through his, delving deep into his obvious feelings. He was shy. You knew him; you knew he would never do something like this unless he really wanted you. The red in his face was as prominent as the color of yours, if not more. He seemed like he was debating looking away from you. You could turn the tables right here. You placed your hands over his, still on your waist, and pushed him to your bed, easily taking your place over him. He glared, scoffing at you and changing your position again, forcing you to look up at him. He knew what you were doing, but like he said, you were his present, and he was not going to let you take over what he wants. He let his fingers run up your arms, taking your hands in a firm grip in his own above your head. Without thinking, he brought his hands back down your arm with force, perfectly filed nails scraping the skin down your arms. You take in a sharp, pained inhale through your teeth as his nails catch on your not-quite-healed stitches. 

(Yeah that's about as far as I got...)

Cheesecake!Andrew x reader (Is it cheesecake or just cheese?)

Personally, you didn't think you were going to have an eventful day, but here you were. After new costumes were distributed to their respective owners, your normally unsociable boyfriend invited you to his room for some much needed quality time. What you didn't expect was to be pulled into the lap of a sweet-smelling Andrew in his new robes, a box of different candies for the two of you to share. With cheeks dusted with the same light pink as the chocolate in his hand, Andrew brought the confection to your parted lips. You closed your mouth, swirling the chocolate with your tongue for a moment before your eyes lit up. Andrew could practically see the bright sparkles in your eyes as you indulge yourself in the sweets he made for you. Your hands moved to his face, fingers brushing over the candy freckles dotting the center of his face. Without taking your eyes off his, you reached down for the miniscule box overflowing with sweets and gingerly plucked a square of chocolate filled with caramel, bringing it to his glossed lips. He bit half and directed the other half to you. As you took the half into your mouth, a thin trail of caramel spread between the two of you. As red as his face became, Andrew didn't look away from you. Even as you moved closer to him, his golden eyes stayed trained on yours. You ensured that there was no more chocolate in either of your mouths before pulling him into a kiss. He laced his fingers in yours as his eyes fluttered shut, the taste of milk chocolate still in your mouths. 

(Uh? Idk, thoughts, opinions?)


This wasn't much to read, I'm sorry. I wanted to clear my head of thoughts of things I had no intention of finishing, to make room for new ideas. 

Speaking of ideas, I was scrolling through Tumblr and spotted a specific headcanon that sparked a story that is going to have to make me change my introduction (aka: its spicy). Stay tuned, because it, along with a request I got awhile ago, will be out soon. 

Requests are always open, though it might take me a hot minute to write them 

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I'll have more out soon, sorry for being so inconsistent... that'll change by the new year, hopefully! 

Identity V x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now