Chapter Seventeen

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Knock knock. I open the door and see Eliot standing in the hallway. "Hey, you," He says while hugging me. "I missed you so much," I tell him while he walks in and puts his bags on the bed. "I missed you too and you look great by the way." "Thanks, do you like my hair?" I ask him with a smile "Yeah I do you look a lot older now," he says and laughs. I punch his shoulder "I'm glad you came I know you just finished the game and I'm sorry for last night." I tell him hoping he would forgive me. "The game was great we won and It's fine Rachel just promise me you won't do it again." I know I shouldn't drink, but it's still my choice if I'll do it again or not. But I will tell him for now, cause I don't want to fight again and especially not with Eliot."I'll promise okay." I answer him and he seems to believe me and I think I mean it. Eliot and I just end up walking around campus,  going to dinner, and watching a  movie in my dorm. "13 going on 30 "Was a really funny movie, a little romantic, and good acting. Eliot went to his hotel. I'm now in my bed thinking of Justin and the worst thing is Eliot just left and here I am wishing Justin was here.  It's midnight when Trish comes home drunk and this time she is alone. I watch her stumble to her bed and almost trip over her own boots. I quickly turn around and try not to laugh. The next morning I wake up and the sunlight brightens the room. Trish is still asleep and I change into some jeans and my blue new top. By the time I'm dressed and ready to go out for breakfast and shopping at the mall with Eliot. I hear a knock on the door I quickly open the door to prevent the knocking from waking up Trish. Eliot greets me with a kiss on the cheek and we walk to the car. It's not far from the mall and Breakfast was good. Eliot and I both had scrambled eggs with bacon and a side salad. The whole car ride to the mall we talk about the game and the dinner he had with my mom. My new haircut and the friends I already made. By the time we get to the mall, it's 11.30 in the morning and Eliot has to leave at 3.30 in the afternoon. We have enough time to go shopping and to get lunch. We had fun at the mall, I bought a new dress and a new purse. Eliot got a Denim jacktar for the winter and a scarf. We had a late lunch and we're walking back to the car it's 2.55 in the afternoon and that means we have to hurry for Eliot to be home on time. Eliot parks the car in front of my dorm block. We walk to my dorm and my surprise there is no one there. Eliot packs his stuff and brings it to the car. When he comes back I'm waiting on my bed to say goodbye to him. I'm deciding if I should kiss Eliot and find out if we have sparks too. We need to have sparks, cause Eliot is my boyfriend. I have to stop thinking about Justin. Eliot takes a seat next to me. "Hey, you. I'm going to miss you. I'll come to visit soon and then for the whole weekend." "Yeah, you should. Maybe you don't even have to stay at a hotel." I say and nervously smile. I then decided to make my move. I lean in closer to him and kiss him. Why are there no fireworks why isn't my body on fire? I try to push further and climb onto him with one leg on each side. I try to kiss him with my tongue, but before I can he stops me. "WOW wow, Rach, what is this. I mean it's nice, but I thought we were going to wait for the right time or marriage."  "Yeah, I know it was only a kiss. I'm sorry I don't know what got into me. I just I missed you so much and you're already leaving and I don't know when I will see you again." I say hoping to make this less awkward and it's clear to me that Eliot and I are so different from Justin and me I. What is going on with me. Why am I even comparing Eliot and me to Justin and me, there is never going to be Justin and me and Eliot is my boyfriend and Justin is an asshole. "No hey, Rachel, it's fine. Are you okay this isn't like you and you could have asked me?" He says with a smile and hugs me then pushes me off him. "Uh, yeah I know. I Uhm I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I say to him and it's actually weird that Eliot and I have never kissed each other on the lips well besides just now. Eliot stands up and says "No worries it was nice. I have to go now before my mom gets worried." When we're standing in the parking lot Eliot kisses me on the cheek and gets in the car. He lowers the window "I love you. I'll see you soon bye." "I love you too. Bye." I say and watch him drive off. When I'm walking up the stairs to my dorm Kevin is coming down. "Hey beautiful, how are you.? How is the boyfriend?" He asks and smiles. "Fine. He actually just left." I say with a polite smile. "So that means everything is okay?" he asks with uncertainty. "Yeah, we are. Everything is fine." I say and walk further up the stairs to my dorm. "Great, I'm glad to hear that." He says and I got the feeling that isn't the truth. "Yeah, me too. I have to go now, but I'll see you around." I say and he hugs me goodbye. Trish opens the door and is surprised to see me and Kevin hugging. "Hey, you two." She says dubiously. "Hey, uh I was just uhm leaving. Bye." Kevin says nervously and takes off. "Hey, how was the party last night?" I ask Trish. "No no, I saw you. What is going on?" she asks with curiosity. "Uhm, not much Eliot just left and I bumped into Kevin on my way back here." "Well, that looked like more, but okay I won't ask." She says and laughs then puts in her AirPods. I grab some water and get my things to study. After two hours of studying, I'm done today. I clean everything up and order a pizza for myself. Trish is leaving with Kyle to go to Fitz diner. Which means I have room for myself. I eat my pizza while watching a few episodes of "Friends". After watching Friends for two hours I decided that I need a shower. I grab my thing and walk to the showers. I'm still a little uncomfortable, but I'm getting more used to it. When I'm done showering I get dressed, blowdry my hair, and brush my teeth. When I come back from my shower Trish is still gone. I take off my slippers and crawl into bed. It's only 9.00 in the evening when I text Eliot goodnight. My class starts at 9.15 tomorrow morning and I need some good sleep. I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I'm still sleepy, so I'm having a hard time finding it.

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