Chapter Twenty One.

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I'm almost at the campus and my tears are rolling down my cheeks before I even noticed. I walk up to my dorm and wipe my tears before entering my dorm. When I walk inside I see Trish isn't here and I would actually love to have her here to distract me from Justin. It's 4.10 at night and I have to get up at 6.00 in the morning. although I suppose I can get up at 7.00. I crawl into my bed and pull the covers over my head. I slowly fall asleep crying on my pillow. The next morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I open the curtains and the sunlight brightens the room. Trish is still gone and I think she may have stayed at Leah's. I gather my toiletries and walk to the bathroom. I should have showered cause my hair looks awful and smells like chlorine and brushing it doesn't make it any better. When I'm back in my dorm I change into my yellow flower dress, some brown boots, and my green military jacket. I pack my bag and text Logan. I walk over campus to the coffee house where Logan and I meet almost every school morning. Logan is sitting in our usual spot. I take a seat next to him on the couch. "There you are. You're a little late, that's nothing like you. I already ordered your coffee." "Yeah, I know uhm sorry. Thanks for the coffee next time is on me." I say with a smile. "I won't say no to that. So uhm what happened last night? I heard you two argue." I knew he heard that and I didn't care at the moment, but now I do. I don't know what to tell him cause I don't even really know what happens myself. "Uhm, nothing. Justin was up late and I asked about his dad and he got angry and then so did I." "Are you okay. It's not my place to tell you, but please be careful. Justin isn't the nicest guy. And you two are so different." he says, grabs my hand, and smiles. I appreciate him looking out for me and I think I'm aware of his reputation. "It's fine, but he is different around me, and thanks for looking out for me," I say and take a sip of my coffee. "Yeah, sure no prob, and Rach you're my friend, so I kinda have to." He says and winks. "How was it with Nate?" I ask him waiting for a juicy story. "Uh, well it was fun, but he needed to get an early flight because he had to practice for his ballet auditions on Monday. He is maybe coming to the End of summer party next weekend." "The end of summer party?" I ask him not knowing what it is and I didn't hear about it. "Didn't you see the posters at school? It's a party to celebrate the end of summer. I don't know why they celebrate, but these teenagers love a party. And I just don't have anything to do and Nate would like it." He says and stands up to walk to class. It's a short walk only about ten minutes. "Right, I'm not sure if I'm going but, it sounds fun I guess." "It's not that much fun, but it's better than sitting at home." He says and laughs, like always we are the first ones in class. Professor Anderson is really fond of us and greets us when he walks in. I'm glad I didn't have any classes with Justin today, but I will have to face him Thursday and I don't know if I'm ready for that. I'm already in my last class today and can't wait to make a study card for Medical techniques after class. When class is done I walk out with this nice girl I met today and she's has a dorm on the same block as me. We decided to grab a coffee and make study cards together. When it's 5.30 in the afternoon I head back to the dorms and get some take-out for dinner. Trish is sleeping when I come back. She probably had a rough night. I take a seat at my desk and Face-time Eliot while I eat my dinner. After face-timing for three hours, we decided to go get ready for bed. I change into my comfy pajamas and crawl into my bed. I'm not sleepy yet so I decided to read a few chapters of After. The more I get into it the harder it is to stop, but it's 10.00 in the evening. I put away my book and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I quickly walk back to my dorm and crawl back in bed again.

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