Chapter One.

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Today it's Wednesday exactly two days before I leave to go to WSU. It's 10.30 in the morning when I get out of bed. "Rachel are you up yet? Eliot is here." My mother yells "Yes, mother I'm up just one second," I yell back. When I'm dressed I walk downstairs to find my mother in the kitchen with Eliot. Eliot is my high school boyfriend. I've known him my entire life and he lives just next door. Eliot and I were best friends before we started dating about two years ago."Good morning Rachel." He says with a smile. I smile back and say "Good morning to you too."  While Eliot is drinking his tea my mother asks "What are your plans for today?"  "I was going to start packing and Eliot is helping me." I say to my mother. When I finished my breakfast Eliot and I go upstairs to start packing.  We've packed two boxes when Eliot needs to go home for dinner. I am glad he helped pack today. I packed all my books and some interior things I wanted to take with me. After Eliot went home I clean up the mess in my room we made while packing.  "Rachel dinner is ready."  my mother yells"I'm coming, mother." I say to her while walking down the stairs. She made Lasagna and it tastes delicious. After dinner, we clean the kitchen together and watch some tv. We have been watching my favorite show "Friends" for almost two hours, so I decided to go upstairs leaving my mother sleeping on the couch. I take a quick shower before going to bed. When I wait for the water to heat up I brush my teeth. Finally in the shower, I start thinking of my dorm and my dorm mate. I hope she's nice. Maybe she is a cheerleader or maybe she likes books just as much as I do. When I washed my hair and body I wrap my head in a towel and step out of the shower. I dry off and change into my pajamas before brushing my hair. When I'm back in my room I crawl into my bed. I text Eliot good night before turning off the lights. The next morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock it's 10.00 am. When I get out of bed my mother is nowhere to be found which I don't mind since I love to take my time for breakfast in my pajamas. She has always thought me to get dressed before going downstairs and I hate it sometimes I just want to chill in my pajamas. I help myself to a cup of coffee and some toast. While I drink my morning coffee I scroll through my Instagram for the latest. Just when I'm about to drink the last sip of my coffee I hear the front door opening. My mother is back from yoga and I am still in my pajamas, so I decided to run upstairs to my room to avoid a fight with her. I get dressed quickly before she sees that I had breakfast in my pajamas. When I'm dressed I start packing my clothes. I don't have much so it won't take long. When I'm done packing my clothes and underwear I go downstairs to have lunch. My mother is showered and dressed making us some eggs with bacon. I take a seat at the kitchen table. "Good morning sweetheart, How did you sleep?" my mother asks "I slept, fine. How was yoga?" I ask her. "Yoga was great I had coffee with Miranda after." she tells me. Miranda is my mother's Friend from church she is very rich and my mother is always trying to impress her. I smile and eat my eggs and bacon. When were almost finished my mother says "I'm going to the mall after lunch would you like to come?" Normally I wouldn't think about going, because my mother can be very direct and mean and especially when we're going shopping. I'm thinking of going with her since this will be the last time and I still need some things. "I will come, but what do you need? I say. "I don't need anything, but maybe some extra clothes for you?" she says which surprises me. "Okay, when do you want to leave?" I ask her. "In an hour?" she says and smiles while cleaning up the kitchen. "Fine, I'm going to pack the rest of my clothes until we're going." I tell her and go upstairs. "Rachel, Eliot can come for dinner tonight if you want?" she yells. I would like to have Eliot over for dinner since I wouldn't be able to see him every day when I'm gone. "I'll ask him." I yell back to my mother. I immediately text Eliot "Hey would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" He is quick to respond and says "Yeah, sure what time should I come over?" "I'll text you when I'm back from the mall." I say. "Sure, I'm home anyway. Have fun." He texts back. "Yeah, I will thanks." I text him. "See you tonight." He responds. I put my folded clothes in the box and tape it shut before going downstairs. I hear my mother yelling "Rachel are you coming." When I get down she's already waiting at the front door to leave. My mother wants to go to Target before we leave the mall. I found a cute pair of mom jeans and two cute tops to go with it at American Eagle. We went to Walmart instead of target and I got this cute denim dress and a white cardigan and my mother got the groceries she needed. When we're back in the car I text Eliot "We are on our way back."  "Okay great." he responds. "I will see you soon." I text back. When we arrive home Eliot is already waiting outside to help with the groceries. After we carried the groceries inside I go upstairs and show Eliot everything I got. He likes everything and complimented me on the way I look. I put my new clothes in one of the empty boxes. We chat for a while about college and his graduation. Eliot is still in high school and he's coming to join me next year at WSU  to study economics. My mother yells "Dinner is ready." "We're coming mother." I yell back. When we walk down, I smell the wonderful scent of homemade tacos. The tacos taste great. Eliot and I clean up after dinner while my mother sits on the couch. We join my mother on the couch and watch a movie together. It is a romantic movie called The vow. The movie is really sad and we're all sobbing. After the movie ended, Eliot calls it a night and goes home. My mother has fallen asleep halfway through the movie. I make my way upstairs brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. I crawl into my nice warm bed and check my phone for any messages. Eliot has texted me "Hey Rach, tomorrow is the big day. Are you excited?" "I can't wait to see my dorm and campus." I text back. "Yeah, I can't wait to see it too. I am a bit nervous about the drive." he responds. "No, everything will be fine. You're an excellent driver." I text back and he is a good driver. "Yeah, I know" he jokes. "It's 11.00 pm, so I'm going now. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you and good night." I text with a kiss emoji. "Me too. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams Rachel." He replies. After I put my phone away my mother comes in to give me a good night kiss. "Hey, sweetheart are you still up?" She asks. "Yeah, still am." I say. She sits on the side of my bed stroking my hair and says "I am going to miss you. You know that right?" "I'm going to miss you too mom." I say with a sleepy voice. "Well tomorrow is the big day, so you should get some sleep." She says while she kisses my head and walks away." I turn to my side and start thinking about my dad. Who I haven't seen in eight years. I can't help, but wonder where he went to college, or did he even finish it? I do miss him at times like this even when I know I shouldn't. He left me and my mother when I was ten years old. He left us with nothing, but bills and debts. Thinking about my father I slowly fall asleep.

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