Chapter Six.

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When Kyle points out his car I already saw it. Because well it's probably the most expensive car in the whole parking. I think it's a sports car, but how does he own a car like this. It looks brand new and still smells like leather. "Nice car." I say to him. "Thanks, it's a Camaro ss." he says proudly. I have no idea what he's talking about, but the car looks expensive to me. Trish and I sit in the back and Kevin in the front. The drive to the diner is short and it's close to campus. When we enter, the diner is much bigger than I imagined and there is playing some sort of rock band music. Which I hate it sounds so aggressive to me. We take a seat and chat a little before ordering. " The burgers are great here," Kyle says while putting his arm around me. "Okay, then I'll take a burger on your recommendation," I say to Kyle with a smile. The waitress takes our orders. We're all getting a burger with fries. I'm actually glad I came, this is fun and I needed a meal. They are all asking about my home, my parents, and high school. It's nice to know that they're interested, but I just don't like talking about it. When we're all finished eating Kyle asks for the bill. I am lucky this place isn't expensive. To my surprise, Kyle pays the bill for all of us without asking anyone. "Does he do this a lot?" I say to Trish whispering in her ear. "Yeah, his parents are rich and so is he. Normally we all pay for ourselves but sometimes he pays. It's no big deal." she says like it doesn't matter. I am going to offer him to pay for my own meal. He is sweet to pay for me, but I can pay for myself if I need to. While we walk back to the car I ask Kyle "Hey, is everything okay? I can pay for myself it's fine." "No Rach, It's fine don't worry." He says with a smile while he puts his hand on my back. Kyle is so sweet and friendly totally different from Kevin, Trish, and Leah. Trish is nice too but not like Kyle is. Kevin is more like the bad boy type, but a bit different. "Well, thank you but you didn't have to pay for me," I say to him making sure he doesn't feel the need to. He opens the car door for me and gives me a smile before getting in himself. Just like promised he drops me off at the dorms before going to the party. We exchange goodbyes and I tell them to have fun. When I'm back in my room I call Eliot to face time. He answers on the third ring. "Hey Rach," He says with a smile on his face. "Hi, how are you?" I ask him. "I'm fine. I miss you a lot. I wish I was there with you." "Yeah, I miss you too. Maybe you can come next weekend ?" I ask him. "Next weekend I have the game. But maybe after the game or the weekend after that." "Oh yeah the game, how are you feeling about everything? Do you think you guys have a chance to win?" I totally forgot about the game. The game is very important for Eliot to get a scholarship if he doesn't want to study economics. I am proud of where he has come. "I think we make a good change. You should come and watch." He says, but I just want to get settled first. "I would like that, but I just want to get settled and used to everything before I leave to visit you," I tell him in the nicest way possible hoping he understands me. "Yeah, know I get it. This face-time thing is working we should do this more often." He says with a smile. After face-timing with Eliot for one hour. We say goodbye and hang up. Just as I hang up I'm starting to realize how much I miss him already. I change into my soft and warm pajamas and watch a movie on Netflix. While I try to pick out a movie my phone is buzzing. It's my mother again I let it ring once before I answer the second time. "Hey, sweetheart how are you?" "I'm fine mother everything is fine. I was about to watch a movie." I say to her a little annoyed. "Well sweety, watching a movie on your own isn't that much fun. You can talk to me. Maybe we can do that face time thing Eliot told me about." What is she saying? I only want to chill in my pajamas in bed not being disturbed. Her joke about face-timing with her is bad and how does she know. Did she talk to Eliot? She must have. "Mother we are not doing that. And I'm fine watching a movie on my own. You should read something or take a bath." I say to her hoping she would leave me alone for once. I know she never will, but I can have hope right." Yes, honey, I get it you're all grown up now and you don't think you need me, but you do trust me. I will take a bath now. I love you." she says as if she's the know-it-all. "Yes, you go do that. I will watch my movie. I'll call you. I love you too." I say to her and hang up the phone. I finally found a movie after almost fifteen minutes of searching for a movie. The movie is called Bare Foot it's a romantic drama and comedy. It's a great movie about a guy who works at a psychiatric hospital. Where he meets this girl and asks the girl to play with his girlfriend to show his parents he is settling. When it ended I quickly get ready for bed. I brush my teeth and hair in the bathroom where it's very quiet. When I walk back to my dorm literally everyone is gone. No people drinking in the hallways or loud music. I think everyone is out and I am glad to have my peace. I crawl into my bed and turn off the lights. I think Trish is going to be gone most of the nights partying. I will have the room to myself, so I can study without being distracted. While thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow I slowly drift off to sleep.

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