Chapter Twenty Eight.

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I can't help, but feel the butterflies in my stomach while I'm in the shower. I tell myself not to expect too much in case this goes a different way. I washed my hair and while the conditioner works in, I run a razor over my legs. When I'm dressed and out of the shower I blow dry my hair and brush my teeth. I figured Justin would come and get me by now, cause it would take too long, but to my surprise, he didn't. Back in my room Justin says "That took you long enough, what were you doing in there? You don't seem any different."  "Nothing, that is what it takes being a woman," I say irritated about his comment.  " Now can we go I'm hungry?" He says and stands up to check me out. "What? can you be more obvious?" I say a little embarrassed. "Well, you just look nice. Are you ready to go?"  "Yes, I am and no mean Justin anymore!"   "No, I promised you. Come on" He says and closes the door behind us. "Where are we going?" I ask him hoping he'd tell me, cause I don't like surprises I just want to know what's happening and I want to know so I can prepare. "That is something I'm not going to tell you. You will see, I know you're going to like it."  "Why won't you tell? Please tell me? "  he laughs and says "No, I'm not saying anything." and then turns on the radio. I sit there pouting and waiting till we arrive. "Here we are. And what do you think?"  My mouth drops when I see the old American diner.  It's called Sandy's Diner and I love how it looks. When he sees the smile on my face he says "See, I knew you'd like it."  He opens the door for me, my eyes go wide. It looks almost exactly like the diner in Grease. We take a seat and this lady hands us the menu. "Are you hungry, I know I am," I say and smile. " I sure am and I like girls with an appetite." he says and smirks  "Now tell me, what is your favorite milkshake flavor cause we, of course, have to have one," I say and laugh, knowing he wouldn't do that. "You always have your question ready, don't you? Well since you so badly want to know, it's chocolate."  "Hmmm, that's like my second favorite flavor. Mine is vanilla of course. Do you know what you want?" I ask him hoping he will order for us both. "Yeah, we do," he says to the lady standing next to our table. I didn't even realize she was already here. "She will have the pancakes with strawberries and vanilla sauce and a vanilla latte, I will have the pancakes with eggs, bacon, and a black coffee," He says to the sweet lady and she writes it all down on her cute little note pat. I'm surprised he thought of the vanilla sauce cause I didn't and that's why I like him. He gets me before I can even understand myself. We chat about everything I ask a lot of questions about his mom and dad and how he ended up here, but he is not answering everything. I'm glad about what I got out of him. I know his mom and dad met in college and she got pregnant soon. His dad switched jobs and started drinking and behaving differently when Justin was only four years old. They split up when he was eight. The food is amazing and I'm loving this cute diner. I feel like I'm in the movie. We are having a great time until this man walks up to us. "Hey son, what are you doing here?" the man says and I'm totally confused for a bit until I see the look on Justin's face. This must be his dad. And then it hits me, this can't go well, can it? "You," He says furiously. Before Justin can say anything "Hi, I'm Rachel. You must be Justin's dad and Logans soon to be a stepfather." I say hoping to avoid an argument or something worse. "Hello Rachel, Logan told me much about you. Nice to meet you." He says and smiles. "How are you? Justin, why didn't you tell me about this beautiful young girl?"  "Tell you, Tell you? Why would I ever tell you huh?" Justin says annoyed at his dad and I can see he is trying his best not to get angry here.  "Well son, I wouldn't know why you didn't. I'd love for you two to come over for dinner next Friday. Logan and Nate will be there too. Allison and I would love to get to know you, Rachel."  "How can you act as nothing happened and don't call me son. Have you forgotten about mom? Well, I haven't and you don't deserve to call me son or talk to her without talking to me first. " He says angry and now all the people in the diner are looking at us. "Well, Justin I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to get to know her."  I know I have to stop these two from arguing before it gets worse and Justin loses his temper. I have to say or do something then without thinking I open my mouth and say "Wel mister Price, I think I would love to come over next Friday, I am a good friend of Logan too."  "YOU WHAT? No, I think you don't!" Justin says even angrier now. "Let the girl speak for herself," Justin's dad says. How can I be this stupid, now I made things even worse? The whole table came from the ground the minute Justin stood up. His coffee and my vanilla latte hit the ground and he barges out of the diner with no shame of his behavior. I run after him and apologize to his dad and the waitress.  I found Justin pacing in the parking lot with his hands in his hair.

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