Chapter fifty-five.

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The next morning. I wake up before Justin does and slowly get out of bed trying not to wake him. I go over to the bathroom brush my teeth and fix my hair. While walking back to his room I turn on my phone; "Rachel?" "Rachel you will call me right now!!!" "Hello? Why aren't you answering?" "Rachel Lane I am your mother and you will call me now" "Rachel you can't just ignore me!" The texts read on my phone. I let out a long breath. I'm so not ready for me and my mother to go to war. "What's the long sigh for?" Justin asks as I walk into his room.

"Nothing just my mother," I tell him as I put on my jeans and cardigan from yesterday. His beautiful green eyes follow me every move I make. He jumps out of bed and throws on a black v-neck t-shirt which looks great on him. I watch his mussels move under his tattoed skin while he puts on some ripped black jeans. I can't help my fantasy going over how it will feel when I take all his clothes off his delicious muscular body. He can wear the same kind of clothes every day and I won't get bored of them.

He looks so amazingly hot in his black jeans and T-shirt. "Well, then should we go and pick up your stuff so you can go have coffee with Logan?" He asks as he grabs his car keys. I'm surprised he is in such a good mood. I can't help myself but smile at him. "Sure," I say and follow him out to his car. Within fifteen minutes we're back and on our way to the coffee house. As promised Justin dropped me off at the coffee house where Logan was surprised to see us together.

Justin and Logan exchange hello's in their way and before he takes his leave he presses a kiss on my lips and takes off. And again he leaves me standing here totally surprised by his actions. "So hey Rach. Did you guys work things out?" He asks and I don't know what to tell him. I should tell him the truth but I don't know what that is. Eliot has been dodging my calls and texts and Justin has changed and is willing to change. I also come to terms with the feelings I have for Justin. I now know I can no longer deny my lust and need for him. He makes me well me. I have never felt more myself than I do when I'm with him. Then I quickly got pulled away from my thoughts because my phone wouldn't stop ringing.

Logan has grabbed it and looks at me. "Your mother," he says with a little fear in his voice. I know this isn't going to go well if I pick up, so I decided not to. I will talk to her about everything when I'm ready. "Thanks but I don't need to talk to her right now." I can see the curiosity in his eyes. I want to tell him everything but, what do I tell him? "Are you going to tell me what happened with you and Justin? I thought you hated him." He says and laughs. "Well I never really hated him, I couldn't. Things are complicated and now that Eliot is out of the picture I might as well see where things go with Justin." I tell Logan hoping he will understand and support me. I only know that he won't.

"Rach, I want to support you but I know Justin isn't the guy for you. Look at what he did to you only two weeks ago; now you have already forgiven him. I know it's not my place to tell you who to love and not but I don't want to see you get hurt." I know he might be right but he has no right to decide if Justin is right for me or not. That is my decision and I think Justin and I can work on our issues I now know he wants to try dating and stuff. Which I'm totally happy about. We both finally admitted that we couldn't stay away from each other no matter how hard we tried. "Thanks for the concern, but I think I must decide for myself and find out where this can go. I think I like him despite all his bad sides. And I know you only know his bad side, but I also know he can be honest, sweet, and nice."

Logan laughs as if I'm making a joke and then recovers by saying "I find that hard to believe but just know that I told you." I pick up my bag and grab my coffee. He stands up as well and opens the door for me. We walk to class and keep talking about Justin and I. Like usual we are early and take a seat in our spot. Professor Bennet greets us as the room slowly fills with people. Logan and I go separately after the break because we don't have all our classes together. I'm now in my Anatomy, physiology, and medicine knowledge class with Doctor Miss Gilbert. She is one of the nicest people I know and I love her classes. I know it has been only a few hours but the day seems to never end. I can't wait to see Justin after class and I don't think I can wait any longer. I have two classes to go to before I see him in English.

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