Chapter Nineteen.

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"What did you just say? You were worried about me?" "Yes I am, Now don't you think you had enough of that," I say while trying to grab the bottle from him. He backs away and holds it higher and now unable for me to reach. I give him a light push and the bottle falls on the floor and he falls into the pool. I stand there for a few seconds thinking about what I just did. I realize he doesn't surface and I jump after him in a hurry. My mind is going crazy over the bad things that could happen or already did. I am scared to find out. I try to grab his head and study him but before I can. He grabs my legs and pulls me under. When I come to the surface, his loud laugh is contagious and it's a wonderful sound. I try to slap him cause he almost gave me a heart attack but before I can, he stops me and takes my hand. He pulls me close to him and I hug my legs around his middle and my arms around his neck. Our faces are now inches apart and my body is on fire. His breath smells of alcohol but still sort of fresh. He tucks a straight of hair behind my ear and I lean into him hoping to feel his pink plump lips on mine. He answers my thoughts by pressing his lips to mine. It feels amazing and smooth. He tastes like mints and Vanille and of course alcohol, but I don't care. This is now my favorite flavor. His tongue slides in gently and finds mine. I suddenly get this weird feeling inside my stomach it almost feels like I'm nauseous or something, but not really it's an exciting feeling. I get this burning feeling inside my panties. His hands slight to my neck and he starts to walk out of the pool. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and unhug my arms and legs. "I uhm I'm sorry.." I say a little nervous waiting for him to say something hurtful. "No no, it's fine." He says with a smile and climbs out of the pool. I walk towards the stairs of the pool and walk out then he starts laughing again really loud and I almost want to laugh with him, but I'm too nervous. I squeeze the water out of my clothes and take off my shoe to let the water out. Justin is sitting on a chair and watching me. I feel bad and try to pick up the shattered glass pieces on the ground. This time it was my fault the bottle fell, so I have to clean up. "Stop that. No Rachel stop. I can get it." "No, it's fine it was my fault," I say while picking up the glass. "No stop. Would you... " Before he can finish his sentence it's too late. The class cut me and the blood is dripping on the marble tiles. "Auch shit.." I say while holding my hand Justin jumps by my side and looks me in the eye. "I tried to tell you that. Come with me I can fix that." He says while leading me to the bathroom. But the first few doors we open is not the bathroom. It's obvious he never comes here."It's at the end of the hallway, the door on your left" Logan shouts from the kitchen. We enter the bathroom and Justin lifts me on the sink and searches the cupboards for a bandage box. He takes off his shirt and puts it on the cut in my hand to temporarily stop the bleeding. And I'm a bit uncomfortable, but also can't stop staring at his chest. He finally found a bandage box and cleans the cut, but it's a painful feeling. "AUCH, sorry it's just... I won't move again," I say to him while he links it with a cotton ball and some bandages. "It's all done are you okay?" He asks with fear in his voice. "Yeah, I'm uhm fine." Just when he's about to kiss me Logan opens the door. "You guys okay in here..?" He asks like he's checking up on us and I'm a little embarrassed and hope he didn't see us in the pool. "We're good fuck off," Justin says irritated to Logan. "I wasn't asking you," Logan says fiercely while looking at me. Justin takes me by the hand and walks out of the bathroom onto the stairs. "I'm going to find some dry clothes." He says while entering a huge dark bedroom. I assume this is his but, it's like no one ever stayed here. Everything is new and so clean. There is this huge bed with eight beautiful pillows on it. It's all so clean and neat I feel like I'm in fancy hotel room. After he opened a few dresses he pulls out a shirt and some sweat pants. "You need anything?" He asks while he changes into some sweatpants which do not look like his. "Uhm no thanks, I'm going back anyway," I say with a polite smile. "No no, you're not. It's not safe for you to go back alone. I uhm... I mean pleas Rachel will you stay?" He asks with fear in his eyes. I don't know what to say my mind tells me not to but my body reacts before I can say anything. I walk towards the huge bed and take a seat. "He crawls on the bed next to me and says "I'm sorry if I scared you that wasn't my intention earlier." "No uhm it's fine but never do that again." I say and laugh. "Don't you want to change into something more comfortable?" He says with a smirk. "Uh no I I can't I need to go uhm sorry," I say and quickly jump off the bed, but before I can walk away he takes my hand and pulls me onto the bed with him. "Don't go please stay. I need you." "You what...? What did you say.?" I ask him. "No nothing I meant uhm. You can go if you want." He shouts angry. "Justin, Finish your sentence or I will leave." I yell at him knowing that Logan can probably hear this but at the moment I don't care. He never finishes his sentence and I need to know what he was about to say.

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