Chapter Twenty Nine.

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"You aren't gonna go are you?" He asks frustrated and angry. "I uh..., maybe I will go," I say gently hoping to avoid another fight with him. "You aren't! There is a reason I don't go there Rachel and so are you!" "No you don't get to make that decision for me I'm also a friend of Logan and I would actually like to go and I would love for you to come with me, but If you won't I will go alone." I won't let him control me like that he already does that with my emotions. I would seriously like to get to know Logan's mother and have dinner there. I haven't had a home-cooked meal in three weeks. "You are impossible. I told you we aren't going and you are especially not going alone. We can do something together. I will even answer one of your stupid questions about my childhood or dad." He is now using my curiosity against me that's not fair. I won't give in to him. If I wanted to go. I'll go, I did get invited. " Rachel, please don't push this. I can't handle being in the same room with that man, he ruined too much. And I can't handle myself being around him. I hate him and I hate that stupid mansion and I hate Allison. Don't do this to me." Wow, this is really harsh on him, I would never do anything to hurt him or make him do things he regrets. I feel really bad for even thinking about going, without asking him first. I just wanted to prevent the whole situation from happening, but instead, I made it worse. "I'm sorry I won't make you go there If you don't want to and I'm sorry about your dad. I don't know what happened, but I'm here for you if you want to talk" "Thanks but I do not need to talk and we're not going. " He says while starting the car. Within a few minutes, we arrive at campus. Justin has to finish up some work, but after we agreed to spent the day together. He walks me up to my room, when I open the door Trish jumps up in full excitement. "Hey, you two. What have you been up to?" She asks with curiosity in her eyes. "Nothing I just gave her a ride. Mind your dammm.. business!" He says annoyed to Trish and then looks at -me and smiles." Dude, chill " she says and laughs "Are you two coming to the party tonight?" Trish asks us. "I live there remember and I haven't decided yet. Why do you even care?" "You haven't? " I ask him in surprise, what is he thinking if he doesn't know if he'll be there. "Well, I have to think about it. I don't think parties are for me so, I guess I'm just going to stay in and watch some movies." I tell Trish, hoping Justin is planning on spending the night with me. "I'll see you tonight and Rach don't be so boring you should come," she says and I know it's not going to be fun. I just want to chill in my pajamas and order some pizza. "I'll see you guys later," he says and closes the door behind him. That was just weird he left without saying goodbye. "I'm going shopping with Leah and I'll be here to change for the party. You should come, cause watching movies all night every Friday isn't going to be fun." She says and waves me goodbye before closing the door behind her. Finally some peace. I decided to get comfy in my sweats and make some study cards for Biology and Anatomy. By the time I'm done with my Biology study cards, the door opens. It's Trish, with three shopping bags and a milkshake in her hand. "Did you have fun?" I ask her "Yeah, we did I found some great stuff and I even got you something to wear." She says in full excitement while showing me what she got. Her taste is so different from mine, but this black dress isn't so bad. "Yeah, nice boots and love the dress, but maybe a bit too much exposing." I say to her "Yeah yeah whatever. Here you should try on yours." She says and hands me the black cocktail dress. I never wear black, it's such a dark and boring color. "Thanks, it's nice but not really my color. I will try it on, but I don't know if I'll keep it." I say and give her a gentle smile to let her know I appreciate the gesture. I take the dress from her and lay it on my bed. "What time does the party starts?" I ask her while she is busy fixing her make-up and picking something out to wear. "Uhm between 9.00 and 10.00 I guess. Don't wait up for me I'm sleeping at Leah's." "Oh yeah, I won't. You should wear that. It looks great and you have a nice behind in that skirt." I say and wink. I didn't notice the time, it's already 6.30 in the afternoon and I haven't heard a thing from Justin. I thought we would hang out, but maybe he isn't done yet or he forgot. No, he wouldn't forget, would he? "How do I look?" Trish asks and takes a few poses. "You look great, go have fun and don't drink too much," I say laughing. "I can promise you I'm going to have fun, but sadly I can't promise the other thing. Bye," she shouts from across the hallway. Back in my room I take a seat behind my desk and clean up my study cards. Just when I'm almost done the door opens.

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