Chapter Twenty Three.

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To my surprise, he opens the car door for me. My hair is blowing in the wind and it feels amazing, only his awful taste in music is totally ruining the vibe. I noticed him looking at me almost the whole drive and my body was instantly on fire when our eyes met. After a car ride of thirty minutes, we arrive at this old huge building that looks like a football stadium. We have to walk around it and go through the back gate. It's beautiful and we climb the stairs till the top. He is holding my hand the whole way up there. And I can't complain about his behavior, because I'm having an amazing time and I want to enjoy it while it lasts. When we're at the top he says "My dad was a top football player and always wanted me to be one. I like to play sport's, but books are more my thing." We just sit here for a while and I feel like we're connecting in some kind of way. "You don't play do you?" I ask him while I lean into him and he puts his arm around me. "No, not anymore. I did when I was younger and then stop for a while, when I came here I started again, but it's not really for me. And I wasn't as good as my dad wanted me to be. I quit to make him mad." he tells me and I'm surprised he is opening up a little. "Why do you want to make him mad?" I ask him, but he doesn't answer my question. "I wasn't close with my dad at all. I haven't seen him in a while. Sometimes I miss him and it's just me and my mom now." I say to him hoping he will open up about his childhood. I want to know how his life was as a child or how he feels about it. He stands up. "Are you coming?" he says with a smile and holds out his hand for me to grab his. I take it and smile at him. I follow him while we walk around and take a seat at some kind of booth where I think they do the talking thing and hold the score for television. "This is one of my favorite spots." He says and looks me in the eye. "It is? And why is that?" I ask teasing him. "Just be quiet. You can hear it for yourself." He says and looks outside the huge windows onto the field. "Do you hear that? The screaming? It's weird but, they say you can hear the cheering from the first game they ever won. It makes me calm and I love the silence. It's also a beautiful place to think." He laughs and says "You think that's weird don't you?"  "No no, not at all. I get it. It's fascinating to me." I say and smile at him. We're just sitting here listening to the silence. "So does mister highschool have a name?" He asks after a while and smirks. "Uhm yes. His name is Eliot and he is a football player too. He's graduating next year and we planed for him to study economics here at WSU."  "I asked his name not his whole life story." He says annoyed and stands up. "Where are you going?" I ask him and follow him out of the booth onto the tribune. "Nothing we're just going downstairs cause I think there is a storm coming."  "No, there is no storm coming. The sky is clear, can we please stay up here for me while. I like it here." I say trying to stop him from walking, but it isn't any success. "No just trust me." He says and his voice is loud. "Fine whatever," I say annoyed, and follow him down the stairs. And just a few seconds later the thunder starts and he was right. "See, I told you." He says and giggles."  "Yes okay, I believe you. Can we go now?" I say a little scared. "You're afraid of thunder aren't you?" He says and laughs. "No no, I'm not I just don't like it." I know he's right I am a little afraid of thunder. It reminds me of my childhood. And that wasn't a happy time for me. Then all of the sudden it starts raining too. Justin takes my hand and we run down the stairs onto the field."Come on Rach, hurry. Run faster." He says while laughing "I am, you are just running too fast." I yell laughing. He's running so fast that I trip over my own feet onto the field right in the mud. He turns around and laughs while he runs towards me. He hugs his arm under my legs and tills me up. He's carrying me halfway across the field back to the parking lot. "If we hurry we can make it to my dad's house." he says and takes his shirt off. "What, I'm not getting my car dirty." He says and gives me his jacket to prevent the car from getting dirty. "Do you think we can make it in time?" I ask him while getting in the car. "Yeah, just not to campus. My dad's house is close by. And they are with Logan to a ballet show or something in New York."  That means we're alone. If I understand. He turns on the heather for me to stop shaking. "Are you cold?" He asks "Uhm just a little." "We're almost there it's only a few more minutes" As we drive up the driveway the lights on the porch go on. The thunder and rain are getting worse. Justin gets out of the car and yells "Come on quick." I run out to the porch. Justin is looking for the right key. He probably doesn't come here often, cause he doesn't know what key to use. When we're finally in he turns on the lights. "Hey wait, your shoes. You can't just make everything dirty." I yell while he runs up the stairs. "Yes, I can and they have money to get a cleaning lady." He yells back and laughs. "Are you coming?" he yells from upstairs out of his room.

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