Part sixteen

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Four days old and already in her second battle.

It didn't bother Ahsoka much.

To be honest, she seemed to have a lot of fun.

Giggling and laughing, her gaze flying around curiously and her little arms outstretched.

Anakin was very careful in this battle.

Making sure non of his moves would endanger his child.

The clones had a good eye on her too.

Whenever a droid even attempted to come to close, well his fate was sealed immediately.

A few poor droids tried it from an unfortunate angle and were hit by so many blue blaster bolts, that they just were were in pieces not bigger than a hand.

One even got so damn unlucky, that he attempted to strike, while almost all clones around had a free line to shoot.

This particular droid was hit so often, that there weren't even parts left to fall to the ground.

Anakin concentrated to keep her covered though, so there weren't too many droids going out like this.

And even the dumbest of them realised quite quickly, that getting behind the Jedi, and or aiming at what was on his back, were a death sentence.

Obi-Wan, who was fighting on the plateau above just shook his head about this.

He was glad that Anakin was right about Ahsoka being safe with them. But he would never hear the end of it, once Anakin realised that.

Then the Jedi-Master redirected his concentration on his own battle. He had to get a hold on this commando post.

Tactic droid out would mean a huge advantage for them.

At least he hoped so.

After he slashed down the next few droids, he finally got an opening.

He slipped through, like planned, ran through the small way, that the droids seemed to have overseen in their plan and let himself drop in the separatist command area.

As silent as he moved, he hasn't been noticed yet.

The commando droid stood at a Holo map.

Just as Obi-Wan silently came closer, he activated a com.

'Why not eavesdrop a bit on the separatists tactics...' Obi-Wan thought and therefore kept quite.

"The Clones still concentrate their forces towards the one Jedi. The Jedi carries a backpack. No report on the backpack. We got no forces close enough for examination. Every attempt was intercepted immediately." The droid on the com reported

The commando droid looked back to the map.

"The Jedis backpack must be crucial to their plan. Pull back the forces on the west side and concentrate them on the Jedi"

Obi-Wan suppressed a grin. That would open his squad an almost perfect way in. Stupid droid.

Then again... Ahsoka was what confused him.

Maybe it wasn't so stupid to take her along after all.

He wanted to slap himself. The tactical advantage of a confused commando droid was not worth risking a child's safety like that.

He simply jumped up, destroying the droid, before he could figure out what actually was going on.

Then he called his squad to tell them to push forward. They seemed confused about that, but obliged anyway.

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