Part thirteen

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'And he wanted to give her away' Anakin thought when he watched Obi-Wan.

The man had the baby on his arms and was making faces to bring her to laugh.

It was working.

She giggled and laughed, tried to imitate the faces.

"She is pretty far for a four days old." Rex said.

He stood next to Anakin.

"I looked it up" he added. "Children that young aren't even supposed to turn in the direction of noises yet."

Anakin smiled, still watching his old master with the young kid.

"Human baby's. Padmé did some research as well. Apparently it is different with Togruta babys."

Over Rex face spread a smile as well.

Obi-Wan tickled the girl.

Ahsoka laughed.

The clones melted at that sound.

Her laugh seemed so clear, because she never had experienced darkness yet.

It was light and bright.

Free and innocent.

It was as beautiful as just the laugh of a child could be.

She had her arms outstretched to Obi-Wan she kicked with her tiny legs, her big blue eyes cheerful and curious.

Obi-Wan kept on tickling her and she laughed louder.

„It is so heartwarming" Rex stated.

„This sound. It makes me remember, that there is a reason why we fight. So that kids like her can laugh like that." he went silent for a moment.

„That kids like her can be happy enough to laugh like her. That they are safe enough and alive and well."

He sighed, rubbing his his neck.

„I don't know. It just sounds so true."

The young Jedi couldn't answer. He agreed with Rex. He felt the same a little bit. But he didn't know how to answer on something that needed no answer.

„Never. Never ever will I let this little kid get hurt. I will protect her with all I have. I will make sure that she is alright, that she is safe and happy. Ever."

„So agreeing with this!" Fives yelled and grabbed Rex by the shoulders.

„We all will." Jesse said, freeing Rex from Fives.

„But that doesn't mean you have to crush Rex into pieces."

Rex rubbed his shoulders. „Fives has a strong grip" he mumbled.

Obi-Wan has lifted Ahsoka up in the air and seemed to play flying with her.

She sqeaked in joy, kicked with her legs and waved around wildly with her arms, amazed by how much space was around her.

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