Part four

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Obi-Wan really was not a fan of Anakins idea to keep the baby.

"She's a child! What du you plan? Raising her on a warship?" he scolded his former Padawan.

Anakin looked him in the eyes.

"Yes" he answered.

"Yes I do plan on raising her on a warship. What did you thought? That I'd leave her in the junk that's left of her home?"

Obi-Wan shook his head and sighed.

"As soon as we are back on Coruscant, we'll bring her to an orphanage. End of the discussion." then he turned around and walked away.

Rex, who stood not far from Anakin, had obviously heard the conversation.

"Let me guess. We're going to disobey commands, aren't we?" he asked, without even looking up.

"Of course we will" Anakin answered, smiling.

"By the way. Where is she."

"Fives is babysitting. Well or she is babysitting him. Can't really tell"

That made Anakin grin.

He walked over and found Fives with Ahsoka.

The clone was playing pick-a-boo again.

Just that this time the girl obviously wasn't as fascinated by it as the first time.

She was more about to try and catch his thumb.

When Fives was distracted, by his General arriving, the girl succeeded in her attempt and pulled his thumb in her mouth.

"Ouch!" Fives yelled and freed his thump.

"Aren't babys supposed to have no teeth?" he asked and looked at his thumb.

It was not bleeding, but apparently hurt nonetheless.

"She doesn't." Kix added.

"Well she can bite pretty well for not having teeth." Fives gave back, again looking as his thumb.

The little girl giggled and tried again to reach his thumb.

"No!" Fives demanded. "I'm no food!"

That made Anakin loose it. He bursted out in laughter.

Ahsoka looked around confused.

She didn't seem to understand jokes yet.

When Anakin calmed down again, he took Ahsoka from Fives.

"You need first aid for your thumb?" Kix asked.

"Shut up" Fives replied.

"Well. Maybe she is hungry?" Anakin guessed, looking into the deep blue eyes of the child.

"But she just ate something before the battle." Echo denied that.

Hardcase shook his head.

"She's a Baby. She probably needs more food. I'll go get her some." he stood up and went away.

Anakin tapped the little one of the nose.

"So you like to bite huh?" he asked.

As if as a reply, she grabbed for his finger, but he was to quick for her.

"Have to be faster for that." he said, tapping her nose again.

This time she caught his finger.

"Learning fast" Jesse said, watching as his General tried to free his finger from the strong grip of the child.

"She has to keep up with me somehow" Anakin defended himself, as he finally freed his finger.

The clones laughed.

Ahsoka made some noises, about whom Anakin was fairly sure only Babys could or would make them.

At least he never heard them from an adult.

"She's one of us now." Jesse said.

Anakin raised an eyebrow, as the clone came nearer.

Jesse held out something to the baby.

"So I figured she might want to have her own little weapon."

It was a small piece of wood, which the clone had carved into the form of a blaster.

Ahsoka grabbed it at put it in her mouth.

It was to big to swallow it, so the boys just giggled over that.

Well they did burst out in laughter, as seconds later, the girl unintentionally threw it in Anakins face.

Startled by the sudden attack, Anakin needed a Moment to proceed what happend, but the clones already where over the edge.

They're newest recruit just attacked the General.

When Anakin caught himself again, he laughed as well.

"Snippy huh little one?" he asked still a big smile on his face.

The girl giggled.

Hardcase was the one how interrupted them.

"Okay. I go for what? Five Minutes. And then the funny stuff happens?"

That made all the other laugh even more.

Rolling his eyes Hardcase walked over to Anakin and gave him the cup with mashed nutritives mixed in water.

Having learned from the last time, this time Anakin was more careful with feeding the baby.

He did get a lot of the food on his tunic anyway, but at least this time it was not Ahsoka spitting it out, but him spilling it.

"We'll have to hide her as soon as we're back on Coruscant" Anakin informed them.

"Obi-Wan is not really happy about us keeping her."

All Clones nodded.

"If anyone asks, we gave her to an orphanage."

Again, everyone nodded.

Then Kix took the word. "We just have one Problem." he mentioned.

Anakin looked over to him. "We'll have a bunch of Problems. But which one do you mean?" he asked.

"No one of us knows how to take care of a baby. Not even mentioning, raising a baby."

Anakins smile grew wider.

"No. We don't. But I know who can help."

They all looked at the General in confusion.

He sighed.

"Senator Amidala has two nieces. She surely knows how to take care of a kid."

Understanding, all the clones nodded.

"And you're sure she wouldn't bust us?" Echo reassured.

"No way." Anakin replied. "We can trust her. She knows how to keep a secret."

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