Part twelve

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Obi-Wan and Anakin made nee battle plans.

Anakin tried his best to concentrate, but he was really distracted by shielding Ahsokas Signature from his former Masters senses.

Apparently another Jedi-General had to be returned to Coruscant in pieces (luckily the piece with his head was still alive) thanks to a spy in the own lines and now Anakin and Obi-Wan had the problem with the remaining droids to solve.

And while Obi-Wan thought about how to free Kayrun, Anakin was in deep thoughts about how to make sure Ahsoka stayed save.

He somehow had to split up from Obi-Wan, then he could take her along on the battle field, where he could protect her personally.

Of course there was no reason for the droids to shoot on a box, but he didn't want to take any chances.

"So... if you..." he didn't listen to Obi-Wan, until Obi-Wan scolded him with a loud "Anakin! Are you even listening?!"

"Yes Master!" the young Jedi quickly replied.

"We have to take over this central point. Understood?"

"Yes Master. I thought the same."

"Good, because it looks like you're not thinking at all"

Anakin went red. "Sorry..."

Obi-Wan looked him dead in the eyes.

"That's the second time in one day that you apologised. So tell me. What is your Problem?"

He looked almost concerned.

Anakin didn't answered.

He looked at the ground, red and nervous.

What should he say?

Obi-Wan seemed to put pieces together.

"It's because of the baby." He stated.

"The baby girl you found."

Anakin opened his mouth.

"Look, I get that you're worried. But she'll be alright."

The knight sighed in relieve.

He thought Obi-Wan would figure it out.

That sigh was a mistake.

"Wait." Obi-Wan stated.

"Why are you so relieved."

Anakins eyes flew wide open

"You... what you said... ahh... was just, ahm, I realised it was right." he stuttered.

"You didn't give her to this refugee program?"

Anakins heart beat nervously.

"Ahh... we will. They just need a few days to settle everything, so we said we can take care if her that few days... then we were send here... so... uh... we had to take her along."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.

"What?!" Anakin replied.

"You think you go there 'hey I found a child. Find a family asap'?"

Obi-Wan rubbed his forehead. "No of course not. But were in a war zone Anakin. You could at least have left her with Padmé or at the temple"

The young Jedi Knight moved around, still nervous. "I know..." he mumbled.

"Fine. Did you at least remember to bring things for the baby or was it a last second idea?"

"No... we brought pampers and food. And even some clothes. Wanted to take care of her that few days."

A nod was the answer of the older Jedi.

"Anakin, I understand, that you want to make sure, that this girl is alright. And Coric told me of the promise you gave to her mother. But she is a child. And as soon, as we are back you have to give her away. She can't spend her entire life on a warship and specifically not her childhood. Am I understood."

Anakin didn't answer. Until silently. "Okay..."

"Then lets go and make sure she's fine, before Fives does something stupid."

Anakin didn't answer, but stood up.

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