Part seven

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It was Baby shopping time.

Padmé was carrying Ahsoka, even though everyone in the group was quite jealous of that privilege.

They're youngest wasn't even a day old and yet already everyone of them knew, that they were going to have a lot of discussion and probably fights about who was allowed to carry and to babysit Ahsoka.

Yes, war this way or that way, she had an entire ship of overprotective older brother.

Ahsoka though, wasn't aware of that by than.

Fascinated by Padmés long braid, she was chewing on the edge of it.

Padmé didn't really mind.

"Is she hungry again?" Kix asked. He wasn't quite sure how often babys had to eat.

"She's just curious" Padmé replied.

"She probably wants to know what hair is, don't you little one?"

Ahsoka smiled, then returned to chew on the braid.

They entered a shop.

Anakin was wearing sun-glasses, hoping that nobody would recognise him. His lightsaber was hidden in a bag. As well as Rex, Fives and Kix blasters.

The Clones wore halfway normal stuff.

Normal enough so that people wouldn't immediately think of them as clones,

Rex even had a hat on his head, hoping to cover up the fact that he looked exactly like Fives and Kix.

And well, if anybody would ask, Fives and Kix just decided to say that they're twins.

Padmé walked over to a shelve.

"There we go. You might wang to get some of those." she said, nodding in the direction of pampers.

Anakin nodded, taking one package.

"You might want to get more than one package" Padmé replied.

Anakin took a second.

"For what are these by the way?" He asked, looking at the pictures on the package.

"You might realise, that she can't exactly can go to the toilet in her age. That's meant to fix that problem. Imm showing you later how it works." Padmé explained quietly, trying her best to not to laugh.

Her husband's missing knowledge was a bit cute after all.

Anakin, who already had experienced, that Ahsoka was not able to go to the toilet just took a third package of pampers.

Just to be sure.

Padmé went over and looked at some baby bottles.

"Which one do you want?" she asked the baby on her arms.

"What about pink?"

"Blue!" Fives yelled from behind.

"She's one of the five-hundert First. She's getting blue."

Padmé looked at Ahsoka, who just kept on chewing on the braid.

Apparently that was better than a bottle.

"Well, Blue than" Padmé replied and Fives took the bottle victoriously.

Rex giggled at that.

"So what else?" he asked.

"I found baby food!" Kix yelled from the other side of the shop.

"Great!" Anakin yelled back.

Kix came over, both arms full with packages of baby food.

Padmé sighed.

"I thought you can read. Go back and put every thing back, that's for babys older than one month."

Kix went red and turned around.

He came back, minutes later, now with food that was actually meant for a baby in Ahsokas age.

Padmé handed the little one over to Rex, who quite proud of the honour to hold the baby, took her as careful as if she could break into pieces at any moment.

Padmé went to gather some stuff like something to heat up the baby food and such things.

Fives was blown by how many baby bottles they had in store (he found one with even more blue than the one he previously found) and Kix tried to find a place to set down the baby food.

Anakin was thinking about if three packages of pampers would be enough, or if he'd need more. He definitely didn't want to end up, like he did the night before.

He was quite sure, that R2 had seen it, he had to remove this memory file, before somebody found out.

When Padmé came back, with a bunch of important baby stuff, Anakin and the clones still were no step further.

She laughed, and went to pay for the stuff she found, taking Kix and Anakin with her.

Fives still was to fascinated by the baby bottles to notice, even though Padmé had just taken a (blue) bottle from the shelve right in front of him.

She would have taken the one he found, but he wasn't quite releasing it from his grip.

Rex hadn't even looked up once, since he got Ahsoka on his arms, just stared at her, afraid that the slightest movement could startle her.

He kinda had forgotten, that she already had been in a battle.

Ahsoka was grabbing for a braid to chew on and was not quite fond of the fact, that she found non.

Instead she managed to get the edge of the scarf Rex was wearing into her tiny fingers, chewing in that instead.

"Were going to the next store!" Padmé woke the clones.

Them she took Ahsoka from Rex arms.

The Clone really didn't like that.

Ahsoka was glad to get the braid back though.

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