Page fourteen

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What was the best thing to do, when babysitting a baby?

Taking her along to an old battlefield for sight seeing and leaving her near to a blaster of course.

At least Fives thought that.

He overthought it again, as blaster shots went off.

Blaster shots from a four day old baby.

She had grabbed the blaster, was chewing on one edge, holding it by the trigger.

Fives didn't knew wether he should scream or laugh.

Fact was, he had to get the blaster out of her hands, before the General noticed.

And the other Fact was, that he was sitting behind a stone to not get shot by his little sister.


He really should have overthought giving her a blaster earlier.

How the heck was he going to fix that now.

Ahsoka laughed at the funny sounds.

Oh she so was a part of the 501.

Maybe if he distracted her?

He attempted to sing the lullaby of her mother but failed miserably.

Ahsoka didn't even notice, but kept shooting.

By now she had put her foot on the trigger and her arms wrapped around the blaster.

Still chewing on it.

What did she had with chewing on everything?

Fives sighed.

He had to figure a way out.

What if he stunned her?

Then he could go over and get his blaster back.

He slapped his forehead.

Yes... stun her with what?

She had his blaster!

He had only sat her down for a short moment.

How did she even get his blaster?

His Comm went off.

"Fives. Where are you. And where is Ahsoka."

Fives frowned.

"We're alright. Back in a bit."

It went silent.

Not for long though.

"Are that blaster shots in the background?"

A deep red colour spread over the soldiers face.

"Oh... Uh... kinda?"

"Are you getting attacked?" Anakin sounded very alerted now.

"No..." Five replied, turning even redder.

"Who is shooting then?"

"The kid..."

Another moment of silence.

Then a light sound indicated, that Anakin had ended the conversation.

Fives was in trouble now.

He knew he was in trouble now.

Anakin arrived minutes later.

He blocked the shots with his lightsaber and managed to get to the child.

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