Part six

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They arrived on Coruscant the next day.

Ahsoka was asleep again, she really slept a lot.

Kix was carrying her.

They had told Obi-Wan that Padmé would be getting Ahsoka into a refugee program.

Even if Obi-Wan doubted Anakin would give the child away, he was fairly sure, that Padmé would be against a child on a battleship.

So now Anakin, Kix, Rex and Fives were on their way to senator Amidala.

For a shopping tour.

They needed stuff for little Ahsoka.

She was still wrapped up in that blanket.

Well another blanket now, since Anakin figured out last night, that babys do not know how to use the toilet.

They rang the bell of Padmés Apartment, and the young senator opened immediately.

"Come in" Padmè greeted them, stepping Aside to let them in.

When Kix came in as last, Padmè finally got to see little Ahsoka in person.

Ger expression softened and she carefully took the little girl from Kix arms.

The Clone didn't seemed to fond of that.

"Hey little one" the Senator greeted the infant.

The girl just kept sleeping.

"When she's asleep, she stays asleep. There you can do what you want." Fives explained her.

"Is that so?" Padmé replied, smiling.

Just in that moment, the girl yawned and opened her brilliant blue eyes.

"There you are" the senator mumbled, tipping the girl on the tiny nose.

That made Ahsoak sneeze.

All the clones looked at the little one in silent, when she did so.

"They love it when she sneezes" Anakin said to his wife in a whisper.

Padmés smile brightened.

"Well you have to admit, it is cute."

That made Anakin smile as well.

The girl blinked a bit, than reached for one of Padmés braids.

Anakin quickly put it out of reach.

"She likes hair" he said.

"I don't know why. Maybe because she doesn't have some herself, but she absolutely loves to catch it. Well, hair and thumbs."

That made Fives giggle.

And Rex grin.

"Jep." The Captian added. "Fingers are her favourite food. Especially Fives Fingers."

In reply the Captian was punched in the shoulder by his brother.

Ahsoka giggled at that.

Anakin laughed about Ahsoka giggling at that moment.

And Padmé found it quite amusing, that Anakin laughed about Ahsoka giggling about Fives punching Rex.

To cut it short, after a few seconds, all of them were laughing pretty hard.

Ahsoka was definitely one of the best things that ever happened to them.

And she wasn't even with them for two days by then.

"So, baby shopping" Padmé brought them back to subject.

"What do you know about what a baby needs?"

All four men went silent.

"Food?" Kix started then carefully.

"Water?" Rex added.

"A blaster!" Fives said pretty sure.

Anakin bursted out in laughing at Fives idea.

"No blasters Fives" he said, between laughters.

Padmé nodded.

"No one of you is giving her a blaster before her sixth birthday. Understood?" She said.

She wasn't quite fond of the idea that the girl would get a blaster at the age of six, bit better than at the age of two days.

"With six? Isn't that a little late?" Fives tried it.

"Maybe... two?"

Rex grinned. "Fives, You heard the senator. We're not sipping to give her one before the age of six."

No Fives was grinning as well.

Padmé rolled her eyes.

"At least wait until she can walk properly" she tried it.

Kix nodded at that. "Yeah. Until then she get's only models."

Anakin boxed Kix slightly. "At least try to behave in front of the senator, guys"

The clones went red and Ahsoka was giggling amused in Padmés arms.

"So, no one of you knows what a baby needs?" the senator asked rhetorical.

"Boy, that's gonna be a long day..."

For the birthday girl 0rozmarzona08

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