Part twentyone

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They were off on a mission again.

Ahsoka hadn't taken it kindly when Padmé left. She had cried for almost an hour, no matter what her brothers and dad did.

When she had finally calmed down, it was because she was so exhausted, that playing her mothers lullaby was all it needed to let her fall asleep.

Not that she slept for long. But at least she was happier afterwards.

Now they were circling a planet called Minaxus, trying to find a way to blow up the separatist station there.

The problem about that was, that the station was embedded into the planets crust.

Well and that it was about twohundredfifty clicks big was also kind of an issue.

A big issue actually. Big in a quite literal sense.

Ahsoka lay on the holotable, in the middle of the hologram of the station, happily chewing on one of her new toys.

The Admiral was pissed. Babys did not belong on battleships in his opinion, and certainly not inside the hologram they were using.

But no one else seemed to mind.


And everyone got distracted by Ahsokas cuteness. Once again.

"Alright. How about that. We explode the reactor core and make our way out as fast as possible." Rex said, already knowing what the answer would be.

"You mean the well protected multiple reactors..." Anakin replied.

In all honesty he  himself had been seconds before giving an equally useless plan. They were running out of ideas.

They needed to take this base.

"Actually..." the Admiral began. "Taking multiple teams, one per reactor through the maintenance tunnels might even work out"

Heads shot up.

As stupid as that sounded, that might get them past a good chunk of guards.

Obviously, they'd still run into quite a few, but not even half as many as through the normal ways.

And lacking a more effective way, they could probably take on the remaining guards.

Better than nothing probably.

"Are we taking the kid along or not?" Fives asked.

Obviously, Fives was not a commanding officer. But as Ahsoka still refused a pacifier and greatly preferred to chew on Fives thumb, it was smarter to have Fives around when they were doing something they needed to concentrate on. Just in case.

Ahsoka by now had started to try and catch the lights of the hologram, giggling and brabbling in the process.

After a three days flight to Minaxus, she had now reached the proud age of a month.

She even managed to hold up her own little head by now, having it raised about a centimetre from the holotable at the moment.

Kix said that it was normal for Togrutan Babys. A human child, he said, would start with this about a month later.

It was indeed an adorable sight.

"We take her along, what else?" Anakin said. "I'll carry her on my back as always."

Then he fiddled around in his pocket.

"I designed this for it" he added, placing a small circular object on the holotable.

"It's a mobile shield generator."

Rex raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you try to create personal shields already and failed?"

A drawn out sigh came from the young general. "First of. I didn't try to create them, they already exist, I tried to improve them. And second of, I didn't fail to do so, I just couldn't apply it on a human sized shield. It was to unstable for that size. Luckily, it doesn't have to be human sized now. It has to be Togrutanbaby sized. Which it is."

"If you want to keep it that way, you might want to take it back" the Admiral said, not very impressed.

Ahsoka had grabbed for the shield generator and put it in her mouth, happily chewing on it with her toothless mouth.

"No... No Ahsoka, give it back!" Anakin half yelled in shock, trying to get the object, before she accidentally swallowed it.

Fortunately he was a force sensitive and quickly got it back through telekinesis.

Wanted to remind ya all of the drawing competition. If we want to actually have one, we do need more pictures.

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