Part five

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They did leave the planet the next day. Ahsoka was silently asleep.

She seemed to be really exhausted from her first day of life.

The clones, were going through their helmet cameras and searched for pictures of the day, they could keep as a memory.

They had a bunch of them, and no one doubted, that at least at her first birthday they would have at least two boxes filled with data-sticks of memory's.

"She is so cuuuuuuuute." Fives squeaked over the picture of her in her 'baby-bed' just woken up, and really confused by the ten clones standing around her.

"I'm going to put this one on the wall!" Echo said, showing them one, mid-battle where she had her arms raised in joy, while Anakin cut droids down.

"Where do you plan to get a Holo projector for that?" Hardcase replied, as an distraction to copy the picture.

"I'm not planning to. I know a shop on Coruscant, where they sell it printed out on paper."

Jesse looked over. "What by Jango Fett is Paper?"

Rex, who wasn't searching for pictures, since Ahsoka had his helmet, answered: "it's some kind of older Flimsiplast. It's made of wood, just really really thin."

A shared noise of understanding went through the room.

"That really still exists?" Kix didn't seem to believe that.

Echo nodded. "It's cheaper then Flimsiplast, that's why I prefer it."

They all nodded and went back to searching for pictures.

Yes, Ahsoka was already a part of the 501.

Even though she had no idea.

She was sleeping tightly, her tiny fist wrapped around the edge of Rex helmet.

The recording of her mother singing the lullaby played in an endless circle, making Anakin, who was watching over her, nearly fall asleep as well.

He wasn't about to put out the recording though, since he was too afraid of startling the kid.

After all, to do so, he would have to take the helmet out of her hand.

Anakin had his own Komlink in his hand, waiting for his wife to call him back.

He had to tell her about the addition to the family.

Well and ask her for help.

He was already half-asleep when she finally did.

"Hey Ani" she greeted him, with a warm smile, when he answered the call.

"Hey Love" he replied, mirroring her smile. "How are you."

"Fine. Just sat through a way to long senate meeting about wether we do what is right or are stupid assholes."

Anakin grinned. "Since when are you using swear words."

Padmè obviously let herself fall on the couch and sighed.

"I told you. Way to long senate meeting."

"And? Did they decide right."

Padmè jumped up again. "No! They don't! They decided they're going to leave Shili all alone, just because they're neutral. The Togrutans need help to rebuilt everything! It is our war which destroyed they're home! Our fault the separatists send bounty hunters they're! " she sighed again, letting herself fall onto the couch once more.

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