Part twenty

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The day was.... colourful to say the least.

Alright colourful might be the wrong word. blue-full would be the more fitting one.

The clones had taken blue paint and drawn their clans symbol all over the hangar walls.

The symbol was something that had developed only lately. It was official since two days now.

It were the small adorable markings that Ahsoka carried on her forehead.

Least to say that it was decorating a lot of clone helmets by now as well.

Anakin had squeezed himself into a clone armour. Padmé has tried similar.

Not for no reason though. With Anakin, and therefore Padmé as well, adopting the clones as their children, they somehow... ended up as a part of the clan?

They obviously didn't have proper mandalorian armour, but the clone armour should do for a start. Anakin had already begun to make adjustments on Padmés so that it would fit her small frame and he planned on continuing to do so, so hopefully the two sets of armour would be more than just... two random sets of armour.

Padmé had taken the whole clan thing really seriously. She had been spending the entire past weekend learning Mando'a.

Least to say, the clones were impressed.

Fives ran up to her yelling 'buir' when she came in, not knowing that she would understand him.

It was more a joke of him, as she was somewhat his mother now. Legally at least.

When she replied with 'Su cuy'gar ad" he went deadly pale.

Echo and Hardcase were laughing their asses off.

He was about to turn on his heels and run down the corridor, when he stopped in the motion.

"Gar tid'ica ibac" 'You mean that?' he asked carefully.

"Elek" 'Yes' she replied.

Then she had an almost crying fives hugging her so tight she felt like there was no air left in her lungs.

So she officially had a legion full of kids now...

It had taken her a whole night to sort out the legal stuff. And make sure to sort it out in a way that she could still hide.

Them being an autonomous Mandalorian clan made things a lot easier for that matter.

"Anyone mind translating for me?" Anakin said from the side. He... wasn't fluent in Mando'a yet.

"She just called Fives her son." Echo revealed.

Anakin snickered, before patting Fives on the head like you would a toddler. "Am I your dad then?"

Fives, again bright red, looked at Hardcase for help.

"Ani don't pick on him. He's your son" Padmé mocked her husband.

The whole secret marriage thing was known among the clones now. There wasn't another way to explain why Padmé had to adopt them too if Anakin did.

Though they had asked Obi-Wan to leave the room for that.

Not that the bearded master didn't have a guess. He just preferred to be able to say 'He never told me he did that' without lying.

So... in the end they now stood all in the hangar.

All in armour, expect for Ahsoka, as she was to young for that.

Rex was reciting some stuff Anakin didn't understand, because he talked in Mando'a

His heart was beating like it would jump out of his chest.

Not because the council would likely throw him out of the order if they ever found out about this.

But because this was his family now. All the clones running around here were his kids now. Not that he wasn't close with them beforehand, but the pure fact that they had accepted this. They had accepted him. They had accepted his emotions.

He looked down at the baby in his arms. Ahsoka was silent, watching her surroundings with great interest.

She didn't knew how important this moment was. She would grow up with a loving family. And force, he'd never even think about forcing her to choke down her emotions. She was going to be allowed to feel and live out everything she wanted to.

He lifted her up and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

This was how live should be. And how he'd make it for his little daughter.

Hey guys! I'm back. Somehow.
Don't even know how I made myself time to write this.

Have a (possibly) stupid idea though (once again). (If you're fed up with my stupid ideas just skip to the end of the chapter)

You note how all to often people write things like 'oh please someone draw this!' on the sides of these stories? Yeah... I think that often too. So... on to the most likely stupid idea.

A drawing contest.

"Imagine you're a clone of the 501. like all clones you have a helmet camera, which by now is full of pictures of your new little sister. Pick out your favourite and draw it"

Upload the picture somewhere on Wattpad. Tag me. And I'll see who makes the best.

I'm still thinking about possible prices. It's most likely to be that either the winner get's to wish for a chapter or have him/herself involved into the story as one of the 501. If you have ideas of other/better prices let me know.

I will upload all the pictures submitted in a chapter later, outlining the winner and the ones in close choice (if we get so many) so please note that upon submission you allow me to do so.

I'll just let this running until we have enough participants. If no one wants to, then no one wants to. If you do want to and are afraid that I might end it before you were able to submit your picture, then just pm me so I'll wait for you.

Hope you guys like the idea too and had fun reading the chapter. See you next upload.

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