Part fifteen

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„Alright. Who stays back to babysit?", Obi-Wan asked.

The Clones looked at each other and Kix pulled out bandages to hand them over to Anakin.

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.

„What is that supposed to be?" he asked carefully, worry about what Anakin might plan.

„A baby carriage..." Anakin explained softly.

The mouth of the older Jedi-master fell open.


Ahsoka, still on his arms, went silent immediately. Anakin looked down to her and laid a finger in front of his mouth.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath.

„What are you thinking!" he exclamined then.

„She had fun the last time...?" the younger Jedi mentioned.

Obi-Wan looked furious. All the hair of his beard and on his head, stood up into every direction, after he ran a hand through it to not scream again.

"She is an infant. She isn't even supposed to be here. How can you even think about taking her along on the battlefield?" he exclaimed, though forcing his voice to stay even.

It almost sounded more dangerous than his yells.

Ahsoka started crying.

Immediately Obi-Wan got mad glances from every direction, while Fives once again grabbed for Ahsoka, to use his thumb as a pacifier.

This time it needed a moment until it calmed her, but then she snuggled up to Fives, her little arms holding his in a tight grip, so that he couldn't pull hi thumb away again.

Anakin turned to Obi-Wan.

"What do you think is safer? Her staying here in the camp, of which the Seppies know the location, with only one Clone to protect her, or on my back, where I can block every shot that comes to her direction and surrounded by the others, all ready to protect her? They're going to be droids at either location anyway."

Obi-Wan kept silent for a moment, then sighed in annoyance.

"Fine. Take her along. But I swear to the force, if she has as scratch or anything in that direction, I will personally take a shuttle and fly her back to Coruscant."

All clones nodded.

Anakin as well.

They didn't plan on her getting injured anyway.

Anakin wrapped the bandage around his upper body at Fives carefully set the baby on his back, before Anakin pulled it tight enough, that she wouldn't fall off.

Ahsoka giggled at that and curiously started to try and play with the bandage.

She failed, because the bandage was wrapped to tight, so instead she looked up to Fives, and stared at him with her big blue eyes, then laid her head to the side.

Fives grinned.

"You're going to have fun little one, aren't you?"

And even without understanding what he was saying, she did get, that he was exited. So she clapped and smiled brightly, then stretched out her arms to him, giving some baby noises.

He smiled and patted her Montral carefully.

"Alright General, ready for battle."

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