Part eleven

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They landed on Kayrun before Obi-Wan did.

That was good, because otherwise it would have been way harder to set everything up.

The box that was used as baby bed got holes at the sides and top, which the boys tried to make as unnoticeable as possible.

The they wrote "Anakins Spare parts. Who touches it will die from whats inside!" on it.

Then they filled it with the baby stuff they'd need, put blankets over that, a cozy pillow and laid Ahsoka inside.

They took a spare helmet, configured it, so that it blocked the noises coming from the inside, loaded the song of Ahsokas mother up and set it on the head of the little one.

Well, on the head was the wrong word.

She almost fit into it completely.

They set on the vital scanners and patched them over to Rex helmet, so that he'd always see how the little'un was.

Then they closed the box and draped others around, so that it didn't look suspicious.

Anakin had the job of shielding her force signature.

They got ready just in time, before Obi-Wan landed.

The Master looked around.

"You were supposed to set up camp Anakin. Not just to unload the materials." he scolded his former Padawan.

Anakin looked up.

"Were I? You said to unload everything."

"No, I clearly told you to set up camp."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at Anakin.

"I don't see a camp here" he added then.

Rex jumped into place.

"Sir, I think it looks a lot like a camp."

Obi-Wan furrowed his eye brow.

"What shit did you do while I was gone?"

The two men looked at each other.

"Arm wrestling" they decided spontaneously.

Luckily both decided for the same thing.

The older Master sighed. "When do you learn that war is not a game Anakin?" he started scolding again.

Anakin did his best to make a guilty look.

"Sorry Obi-Wan" he said.

Obi-Wan, who had prepared for a long discussion stopped.

"Did you just apologised?" he asked confused.

"Ah... yes" he answered.

"Do you have fever?" Obi-Wan wanted to know.

"No..." Anakin replied. Slowly realising that saying sorry wasn't exactly a good idea in this case.

Rex was quite nervous as well.

Obi-Wan looked over to him. Then back to Anakin.

"Okay, what did you broke?"

Both kept silent.

Luckily Fives came to the rescue.

"My frikin' helmet!" he screamed.

He looked so angry, that it was hard to doubt his statement.

He wasn't wearing his helmet, instead holding it in his hand.

It had a thick smouldering hole in it.

How he managed to do that without anyone hearing a shot, Anakin had no idea.

He didn't even want to know.

"And guess what?!" Fives went on.

"It was where we saved the files of the plan we came up with. The only frikin' place we saved the files."

His head was red in anger.

Rex and Anakin looked at each other.

They haven't known Fives was that good of an actor.

Obi-Wan seemed satisfied with that excuse.

"So. I don't look after you for a little bit and you destroy your battle plans."

Anakin nodded a bit.

Obi-Wan sighed.

"Well then. We have to hurry and male some new ones."

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