Part ten

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The headed off world the next morning.

Ahsoka's third day of living.

The clones were about to discuss a babysitting schedule, so that everyone got to spend time with the little one.

It didn't work.

Then Anakin threw the idea in the room, that they'd make a little shooting contest every training and the winner got to decide who was on babysitter duty till the next training.

Meaning, they could babysit her themselves, give it to anyone else, or babysit her some of the time and give her to somebody else when they had to do important stuff and then take her back afterwards.

The clones were okay with that.

Well, then they realised how well Anakin can shoot.

It quickly became obvious that manly Rex and Anakin would get to decide who was babysitting.

Well, Rex kinda owed it, since the kid was having his helmet like all the time.

Right now they were on their way to Kayrun.


They'd meet Obi-Wan there.

So instead of discussing how to do the mission, they discussed on how to hide a three days old baby from a force sensitive intelligent man, who probably was suspicious about what happened anyway.

Ahsoka was on Anakins Arm at the Moment, trying to catch air.

The clones looked over the holo of the place.

They did not have a ship hide her on.

It would stay in the orbit while they went down, and Anakin hadn't introduced the kid to Admiral Yularen yet, so he didn't want to take chances.

The Admiral was already confused enough, that he wasn't allowed to attend the meeting, but Fives, Kixs, Echo, Jesse and Coric were.

These four now stood around the Holo table together with Anakin and Rex and were in deep thoughts.

"The box" Fives than said.

The others looked up.

"The box that was her original baby bed. When we take a few blankets out we can close it over her. Nobody would notice it."

"Expect if Obi-Wan gets hungry" Anakin replied.

"We could write 'Anakins spare parts' over it and leave your Box at home General. He never touches your spare parts." Rex said.

Anakin sight but nodded. "Fine" he said. "Then we'll leave my spare parts here."

The others giggled. They knew that their General always sneaked some along when they stayed on a planet for some time. He just needed it to calm down.

Well, now he had something else to calm him down.


"But how will she get air?" Kix mentioned.

Coric shrugged his shoulders. "We'll make holes in the box."

The others nodded again.

"And what if she makes noises?" Jesse added. "He could hear her."

"Not with a clone helmet on" Echo mentioned.

"She almost fits completely into a clone helmet" was Fives comment on that.

"But it could work" Rex added. "We'd get a spare helmet and set the comm off. We even could load up the recording of her mother singing, so that she can sleep well."

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