Part seventeen

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The next days were heartwarming.

With now no longer needing to pretend that they would give her away again, everyone showed their care for the child way more openly.

She was constantly carried around anf hugged and got the attention of all the clones.

Of Anakin and Obi-Wan as well obviously.

Some clones started making toys out of droid parts or out of shrapnel.

They turned out to be quite cute things.

Little models of blasters, Droids and Clones. When she was older she would be able to reenact her own little battles with them.

One Clone even carved a Gundark figurine out of some wood.

Anakin was already a fan of that one and played around with it himself, while having Ahsoka on his arm and telling her stories about him and Obi-Wan fighting a real one.

Obi-Wan was calmer with her then Anakin.

And as it turned out after at time... he could sing. Not very well, but he managed to pick up the simple melody  of the lullaby and sing it.

So very quickly the clones got used to going to Obi-Wan when Ahsoka was becoming tired.

Obi-Wan, who didn't really minded getting to watch the child so often, started teaching Anakin how to sing it though.

He knew that he himself wasn't going to be around every time, but Anakin surely was.

Anakin had his difficulties picking up on the melody, but he grew better.

Ahsoka was present at every meeting and after a time non if them could imagine one without the joyful sounds she made when she caught Obi-Wans beard, or the cute little snarls when she was deep asleep.

They got attacked a few more times, and attacked a few times themselves, being caught in a forth and back for every centimetre ground. Every time Ahsoka was safely on Anakins back.

That was something else everyone got used to. The laughing of a baby penetrating the noises of battle.

Ahsoka didn't seem to mind that she was in the middle of war. She actually seemed to enjoy herself very much. Maybe it was because she didn't knee anything else.

And after all the clones used every free moment to play with her.

And Obi-Wan had all but been amazed at the things they made for her. Including the stuff they bought for him. It became almost a usual sight to see him going through Ahsokas clothes in the morning, needing half an eternity to pick out something for her to wear.

Anakin almost didn't believe his eyes when he saw it the first time. Then he thought 'And he wanted to give her away' and left it at that.

Time seemed to fly by and suddenly he noticed, that Ahsoka was already two weeks old.

At that point he started annoying Kix with questions.

He figured out, that his little kid was developing faster than a human baby would. Apparently all Togruta babys did that. She was already on the level that a human baby would have around two or three month, with moving around, giggling, reacting on noises and stuff.

Though she still seemed so fragile and small. That was something that worried Kix too.

"She should be heavier" he stated. "she is really attentive, which is good, and fits what togruta babys her age should be, but that she weighs so less is worrying me"

"What can we do about it?" Anakin asked.

"Give her more food?" Kix guessed "Sir, I have no clue, I'm not used to treating babies. Maybe it's not even something to worry about. Maybe some togruta babies are just smaller, that can very well be."

Anakin nodded at turned his attention back to Ahsoka. Her life force was strong and bright, nothing hinted to anything being wrong there.

"If I sense her life force fading, I'll come running right back" he informed Kix before he then turned to get the kid some food.

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