Page twentythree

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It took what felt like an eternity to reach the reactor. The clone behind Anakin kept booping Ahsokas little nose on the way, making her sneeze.

Her loth cat like sneeze left all of them grinning each time.

An issue it brought only... when she started to cry. A loud squealing and crying  filling the room....

All of them came to a halt and almost froze in shock. If that didn't draw the droids, than why would they even have sneaked in the first place.

"Fuck, what does she have?" Anakin said as he released her from the harness and cradled her in his arms. Ahsoka kept crying, despite getting rocked.

Fives squished forward and without asking, took the little Togruta up. She was still crying.

Unlike all the clones though however.. he didn't give her his thumb. He fished the blue baby bottle out of his backpack and held it before the babies mouth.

Ahsoka shut up and started eating, seeming satisfied now.

Everyone stared at Fives, who looked up "what? I'm always hungry on missions, figured she might be as well"

Anakin chuckled "at least she's silent now"

They silently continued... but didn't get far. The droids did hear the baby.

They entered the maintenance tunnels through a small side door, rendering the droid crackers a very tricky weapon .. throwing in an angle wasn't quite easy at least.

Fives was pushed to the back by his brothers to take care of the infant, that now giggled as she ate up.

Anakin threw the first droid back through the door with the force and ran after, pulling his saber as soon as he was out himself  "Go, get the reactor" he yelled at the clones.

Already used to such reckless orders, they ran past the door to get on.

Would Anakin not stay in the hallway and block the shots, not all of them would have made it past it, but the blue blade swung elegantly to meet each shot in time.

Anakin did have to fight quite a bit tho, there was a not quite insignificant number of droids out there. One shot graced his shoulder, as he drew back behind the last clone. Luckily his armour took most of the blast, and only a burn left its imprint on the skin.

He rammed the door shut and jammed his lighsaber in between it and the wall to melt it together. Then ran after his man.

Lifting his comm to his arm he yelled to the other group "They know where in the maintenance tunnels, hurry"

Then they finally reached their reactor.

Unfortunately... there waited yet another surprise for them.

Anakin came to a sudden stop as he almost crashed into the clone before him.

The reactor... was not quite in a room, but rather in a giant .. hole.

The reactor was fixed to the middle, while around it it went down deep.... Stupid droids. A reactor fit for a spaceship would have fit in this room.

"Give me some space" he ordered and back up multiple steps.

Without a bridge, he'd have to jump.

The clones made space and he started to run. With a big, force aided jump, he landed on the reactor.

Sadly, it was a very slippery one. He almost lost halt, before he was able to climb on top.

"Throw me the detonators" he yelled to the clones, who obliged.

One by one he catched the detonators and fixed them to the reactor "now lets get out of here. Give me space to land" he yelled over, before figuring, that he needed to find a way to jump from this thing without slipping.

Ahsoka meanwhile... had started crying again. Fives rocked her back and forth and talked to her, but it had no use, she wouldn't stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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