Part three

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Half the squad stood around the bed, watching the little girl in her sleep.

They all were silent, tiptoeing and the ones actually talking about the mission did in a whisper.

Nobody wanted to wake her.

Even Obi-Wan understood, that a just born baby needed a good portion of sleep.

Sadly, the Droids thought otherwise.

When the first shot pierced through the air, the clones said 'shhh' wothout even turning around.

At the second they understood that it wasn't one of them.

"Attack!" one yelled, shooing up everyone else.

Rex grabbed his Helmet and the baby, taking cover.

The others followed.

Since holding the little'un Rex could only use one hand to shoot, but thankfully he wasn't alone.

Much to their surprise, Ahsoka was still asleep.

A small snarl like noise came from her, while she calmly slept in his arm, ignoring the battle around her.

"Is that normal?" Kix asked.

"We were silent for nothing?" Jesse added.

"Concentrate on the battle" Rex ordered in a hurry, shooting another droid.

Anakin came over to them, taking cover as well.

"Who was supposed to watch the scanners?!" he snarled.

All of them shrugged their shoulders.

Anakins gaze fell on Ahsoka.

"We have to get her away from the battlefield" he stated.

"How?!" The clones replied in a choir.

The shuttles still were getting supplies. They had no way of getting away.

They had to win this battle.

"Wait, Kix do you have bandages?" Anakin suddenly asked.

The medic nodded, handing them over.

Anakin took Ahsoka from Rex and created an improvised baby carrier on his back.

Ahsoka was still asleep.

"How in the blaze is she still sleeping?!" Fives half yelled.

"No clue." Anakin replied, reactivating his lightsaber.

"Now let's scrap those clancers.

All of them agreed.

Together they took on the mass of droids, that decided to attack the camp.

Somewhere in the middle of battle Ahsoka actually woke up.

A hint of a sleepy noise escaped her tiny lips and she looked around curiously.

Who made all those funny noises?

He gaze flew over the battle field and she stretched out her little arms to grab one of the colourful light-beams.

That was nice here.

Anakin didn't realise that the baby on his back was awake, keeping on with fighting, as an Anakin Skywalker would.

The girl squeaked in excitement, when the Jedi did a back flip.

That made Anakin realise that she was awake.

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