chapter four

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* this chapter contains the word kamisama = God.


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genius - LSD

Why..did I say that?

The dark haired girl eyed the floor. Her mouth spread into a thin line as she bit her cheeks. She didn't mean to snap at him like that. Her whole life, she was surrounded by genuine people - all full of love with no hidden or malicious intents - but the moment she met Hawks, one of the strongest Pro Hero in the country, she felt that something was off.

Her unfiltered mouth had spoke the words before she could even process it. The moment his words rang through her ears, her gut feeling and instinct was telling her that he was lying; hiding something that she had to run her mouth instantly. She internally scolded herself. Not only had her day (and life) been ruined by the wings, she had talked back and probably insulted one of the best heroes in Japan!

"I-I'm sorry...I've had a bad day and I-"

"It's fine. Not everyone would like me anyways, it's bound to happen," the man laughed and waved it off, though both of them knew it was fake.

"No! I like you! You're a good person and you're right, you're the #3 hero. I shouldn't have said that," she defended, wanting to put her hands out like before but the clothes prevented her. Her wings spread a little.

"Oya? You like me? Already?" He smirked, his eyes glinting in mischief.

Aiko's face warmed up, blood rushing to her cheeks as she felt herself getting embarrassed.

"N-no not like that, what the heck! I-I meant as a person, like a human being! Like I said I barely know you," she says, turning around to walk to the cashier. Her wings beat a little, following the fast heart beat of the girl which Hawks noticed. She knew that if she stayed, she would turn redder than any tomato existed.

The Pro Hero followed her, laughing at her embarrassment. Of course he was joking but he loved to see her reactions, especially her wings. Once they reached the counter and placed the clothes for scanning, a static voice interrupted their actions as their eyes trailed up to the source on the wall.

There hung a television depicting a current breaking news.

"Breaking news! There has been a reported villain attack on UA grounds in one of their facilities with students from current class 1-A held as hostage to a high number of villains. This is the first time the school that some heroes study in has been attacked. It is unknown for how the intrusion of the attack had happened but it seems that there were multiple injured students and heroes during the attack. Major injuries sustained from this attack was a Pro Hero and a student before they were sent to the hospital in critical condition. Sources tells us that our beloved hero, All Might had luckily came on time and stopped the attack from-"

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