chapter eight

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WELCOME TO MY HUMBLE ABODEsong not available!

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The two arrived at a small building located at the side of a busy street.

The glass door automatically greeted the wet duo and they welcome the warm air as soon as they could.

Although the girl's mind was in a daze, she could see that the building was grand from the inside compared to the shabby display from outside. The mix of brown and white marble flooring complimented the wooden interior with a chandelier in the middle of the lobby and other grand lighting. For one second, the girl thought that she was in a hotel but the sign above the receptionist desk says otherwise.

Hawks had ruffled his wet feathers causing water droplets to splash everywhere on the expensive looking marble flooring while Aiko just stared at him in amazement. She tried to do the same action with her similarly wet wings but failed, resulting in only a slight shoulder shake.

The man noticed her movements but kept quiet as he hoped to question her in privacy later on. Just as they took a step in, a loud voice echoed around them.

"Hawks! How many times must I remind you that you dry your wings OUTSIDE the building. Now look at the mess you've made! Our poor cleaners have to dry the floor up once again!"

The voice grew louder and Aiko could see from her side that Hawks's face was similar to a little kid when they were getting nagged by their mother. His mouth was downturned and his eyes was looking at a wall as if it was interesting. When she turned her head to face the receptionist desk, she had found the source of the voice.

Coming out from the receptionist area was an older looking woman - probably the same age as her late grandmother - placing her hands on her hips and walking fiercely towards the two. Her grey hair was tied up in a tight bun and she wore traditional clothes instead of office ones. She was also slightly shorter than Aiko but from afar, they we're almost the same height.

Aiko glanced between the older woman and the Pro Hero beside her as she watch the events unfold before her.

"Mrs Chi, I swear this time I didn't mean it. It's a force of habit!"

"Even if you didn't mean it, people are going to slip and fall when they come in! Did you forget what happened to our old manager when you did this a few months back?!"

Hawks dug his ears as the (short) old woman was now standing in front of him with beet red face in anger. She was pointing her index finger and waving at it to the winged man.

"It wasn't my fault he came running in!"

"That was because you initiated a last-minute debriefing after work hours! I can't believe you, you're a pro hero, number 3 at that and you still won't listen to simple instructions!" She continued.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐄『 hawks 』Where stories live. Discover now